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Banner Advertising - How to Use This Website Traffic Source to Get Search Engine Rankings

One of the coolest things about buying space on sites in your market is you can actually get high search engine rankings without doing anything! I currently get traffic from over 11,000 keywords in one market by using this insider strategy that you can use as well.
Why Buying Banners Makes The Search Engines Rank You: You have understand something that is very powerful when it comes to banner advertising in your market.
When you put an ad on a site, you're putting a link in that ad that sends people to your site when they click on it.
Well what you are doing is putting a backlink on that site.
So now Google knows that other sites in your market have your links on them.
When this happens they take note of this and start watching your site as your credibility is increasing amongst the sites in your niche.
Here Is The Cool Snowball Effect: Now, you have to understand that the search engines only want you to get links from sites in your market that are related to you.
The more closely related the site is to your market, the move valuable the link will be and the more powerful it becomes.
Do Nothing & Watch Your Sales Grow: So the more of these banners you can get up on sites in your market, the more powerful your site becomes and soon you will start ranking for all kinds of keywords and start to see buyers come from the search engines.
So even though your not directly doing "SEO", your still getting the results.

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