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Daniel (Faraday) Widmore"s Flash-Sideways Stories

  • Episode 6x11, Happily Ever After
    Daniel knocks on the window of Desmond's limo and introduces himself as Daniel Widmore. Desmond gets out to talk to him.
    Daniel asks if Desmond believes in love at first sight and tells him about the woman he saw and how he was already in love with her. He shows Desmond his journal with quantum physics in it and says that he thinks they are not living the life they are supposed to because he detonated a hydrogen bomb. He tells Desmond that Penny is his half-sister and where to find her.

  • Episode 6x17, The End
    Back stage of the concert, Daniel sees Charlotte and introduces himself. Later, he plays with the band. Eloise asks if Desmond is going to take Daniel and Desmond says no.

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