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One Life to Live Recap for Monday, November 8, 2004

Rushing into his office at The Sun, Todd speaks into the phone requesting information on the Santi family. Tico presses Adriana about Jessica and asks if Jessica said anything about being unhappy with him. At Llanview P.D., Jessica hands over some money to Bo and asks him to check if it is dirty. Bo questions whether the money is connected to the Santi crime organization. Nora and Evangeline meet at The Palace where Nora quickly turns the conversation to involve Bo.

John escorts Natalie into his office and wastes no time in revealing that evidence of foul play, involving Paul Cramer, points to her.

Bo assures Jessica that he will see what he can find out about the money. He is not about to let her off the hook so easily and asks if there is anything else he needs to be aware of. This brings Jessica to recollect the picture of Flynn that she came across while looking through one of Tico?s files. However, she chooses to say nothing to Bo about it.

Nora confides in Evangeline that she blames herself for ruining her marriage to Bo. She shares the story about the time when Bo was mourning the loss of his son, causing Bo to take his boat out to sea during his devastation. In order to get Bo to come back, Nora lied to him and told him she was pregnant. This news gave Bo hope and he returned, but he was sick and weak and ended up in the hospital. When she was about to confess the truth to Bo about not being pregnant, he flat-lined. Rather than take his hope away, she went to Sam Rappaport to ask him to father a child for her and Bo.

Nora continues to tell Evangeline the story and said that it was after Sam?s death when they found out Matthew was really Bo?s child. Nora believes that if she had not slept with Sam to begin with, Bo, Matthew and she would have had very different lives. After recounting the story to Evangeline, she sadly discloses that Bo would never be able to completely trust her again, nor has he forgiven her. Evangeline encourages Nora to ask Bo if he has forgiven her. Nora, however, fears that he will reject her again.

John shows a heated Natalie the report showing an analysis of her blood found on Paul Cramer?s clothes and asks, ?How did Cramer?s blood get there?? Natalie, tired of being questioned about Paul, tells John that he has nothing on her and claims that Paul is probably out there using and abusing people. John responds, ?The way he did you?? Natalie looks on somewhat disconcerted over John?s indication that Paul used and abused her. John continues with his line of questioning as he presses Natalie for the whereabouts of Paul?s gun. Natalie shouts at John and tells him that she has nothing to do with it and doesn?t know where Paul is. John is left speechless as she says, ?If you don?t love me, leave me alone!?

At The Sun, Jessica shows up for her first assignment. Todd tells her that he believes Tico is using Kevin?s election to try to create a political power base and asks Jessica to prove him right. This assignment goes over well with Jessica, as it will also provide her with the truth about everything. Jessica states, ?You know, if I do this, I might wind up implicating my husband and my brother.? She brings out the picture of Flynn and shows it to Todd. As Jessica prepares to leave, Todd warns her to be careful. At that moment, Mrs. Bigelow walks in. She sparks Todd?s interest as she reveals that the Santi?s own the casino that Flynn operated, speculating that the Santi?s own Fynn too! She then brings out a photograph of Arthur Ross, who worked for Flynn and is now doing 12-20 years in federal prison. Quite pleased with the information she discovered, Todd announces he will pay Arthur Ross a visit in prison.

An isolated Cristian, held prisoner on a ship, reaches under his cot to retrieve a spoon. He patiently uses the paltry tool to scrape away at the wall of his locked quarters in a tireless attempt to escape.

Meanwhile, Tico is gentle but unrelenting in getting Adriana to spill some information about Jessica. Adriana, however, decides to conceal the truth because she does not want to hurt him. Instead, she explains that it bothered her that Jessica could start a life with Tico so soon after Antonio. Tico tries to assure her that both he and Jessica are committed to their marriage. Or, is he really trying to assure himself? Adriana leaves, as Tico looks on obviously worried.

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