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Help Add Distance to Your Drives - Lower Your Handicap and Play the Best Golf of Your Life

First of all move your shoulders with your arms then extend your left arm moving the club back slowly.
Start the backward swing of your arms and club, wind back with your upper body first, then hips.
When the club is halfway back the club should be in line with toes and your right arm should be slightly higher than left arm.
At top of backswing keep the weight on your right foot.
On backswing keep your arms in front of your chest and make sure your left arms stays square with your chest on the swing.
Do not let your arms go slack also let your arms drop with the gravity, pull rather than push the club.
Swing by transferring weight to left foot and moving toward the hole.
On the swing your chest leads arms to pull the club and a level chest helps square the club head.
On downswing try to keep shaft at a 90 degree angle when your arms are the hip height.
Let your right elbow fall to right side which keeps the ball straight, start swing with your body then shift the weight and rotate hips.
Hands should be in front of ball at impact on drive shots.
Swing only the handle of the club to get a smoother motion.
Keep left arm straight through the swing and keep arms and shoulders loose.
Try to touch your forearms and elbows together on impact, Hitting with around 80% of power.
Swing path controls the direction of ball, and accelerate through the shot keeping body behind the ball.
Try to keep both feet flat on ground longer throughout the swing for better balance.
Control shot with speed at which you unwind your body, not with hands and arms.

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