Start Thriving: 8 Rockin" Reasons to Choose Life!
Been feeling down in the dumps lately? Can't put a finger on exactly what's going on? Are you finding yourself too much in your head, and alone in your thoughts? And the time just keeps flying by.
It doesn't seem to slow down for anything or anyone.
My god man it's 2014! Remember when 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968? The year 2000 seemed an eternity away!And what's changed? Are you basically the same person you were back then? Has your life changed dramatically or hardly at all? Are you living the dream life you once thought you would? Well, my friend, it's time to get back on track and start thriving.
It's time to make some changes you've put off way too long.
Are you ready to choose life and start going for the gusto it offers? Here's what to do: Choose life! It's time to stop the self-abuse and the self-talk.
You're perfect as you are.
You have gifts.
You have talents.
You are enough.
Deep down you know this is true.
You're also lovable.
Without a doubt.
But there is one person who must believe this above all others.
Yeah, we've all done some pretty dumb things in our past.
Might be something we said or something we did.
It really doesn't matter any longer.
Hear that? IT DOESN'T MATTER ANY LONGER! Let the past be just that.
You can't be fully in the present when you're letting old baggage get in your way of new beginnings.
To open a new door you must step out of the old one first.
It's time to move on.
Concentrate on the present.
Look forwards, not backwards.
The decisions you make today determines your future.
It's time to thrive.
What You Can Do Let's take a look at 8 great ways to choose life, and set course to putting ourselves back in our riding saddle.
It doesn't seem to slow down for anything or anyone.
My god man it's 2014! Remember when 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968? The year 2000 seemed an eternity away!And what's changed? Are you basically the same person you were back then? Has your life changed dramatically or hardly at all? Are you living the dream life you once thought you would? Well, my friend, it's time to get back on track and start thriving.
It's time to make some changes you've put off way too long.
Are you ready to choose life and start going for the gusto it offers? Here's what to do: Choose life! It's time to stop the self-abuse and the self-talk.
You're perfect as you are.
You have gifts.
You have talents.
You are enough.
Deep down you know this is true.
You're also lovable.
Without a doubt.
But there is one person who must believe this above all others.
Yeah, we've all done some pretty dumb things in our past.
Might be something we said or something we did.
It really doesn't matter any longer.
Hear that? IT DOESN'T MATTER ANY LONGER! Let the past be just that.
You can't be fully in the present when you're letting old baggage get in your way of new beginnings.
To open a new door you must step out of the old one first.
It's time to move on.
Concentrate on the present.
Look forwards, not backwards.
The decisions you make today determines your future.
It's time to thrive.
What You Can Do Let's take a look at 8 great ways to choose life, and set course to putting ourselves back in our riding saddle.
- Get out of your head.
Your aged-old reasons for not living your life sounds like a worn-out record.
Even you're tired of hearing the "what-if's", the "butt's", and the zillions of other reasons you have a habit of telling yourself.
You're as capable and entitled as the next Joe down the street, and you know it! So get off your butt, turn-off the TV, put on those shoes, and get outside where there is some space to think and contemplate your many life choices. - Make a choice.
Yep, you have lots of them, despite what you may think.
The first, and most important choice to make, is deciding what kind of day you're going to have.
Here's your choices: great, average, or poor.
You choose.
Are you going to let life and it's many nuances and challenges feed, grow and nourish you, or will you let them drain and weaken your foundation.
Your attitude is a darn good indicator of what you choose.
Recall that cranky service station cashier? The one that nagged and embarrassed her co-worker in front of everyone, and then made you feel like you were a great inconvenience for simply wanting to pay for your coffee? Guess what kind of day she chose to have? How about that friendly, outgoing gal at the last party you attended, the one wearing a nice smile when extending her hand and welcoming you warmly? Notice how she made eye contact and didn't shy away? You know what kind of attitude and day she decided to have? You can do the same.
Make your choice and stick with it.
Carry that attitude with you all day. - It's time.
Time is passing quickly.
We have limited days left on this lovely planet we call Earth.
Want to leave a legacy? Care to make a difference or improve someone's life? Ready to start accomplishing something meaningful in your life? Well, you better start now.
Stop focusing on the list of things you want to do, and start checking off the things you've accomplished.
How? What? When? Don't worry about it.
Just start taking action.
Help will come when you ask for it.
Just make sure you're open to receiving the answers. - Enjoy the journey.
Finding happiness is not an end goal or destination.
It's the process experienced along the way.
The sooner you can clean out the cobwebs in your head, the ones that have entangled and hand-cuffed you most of your life, the sooner you'll begin to create the newer vibrant you. - Be comfortable with you.
No more trying to say the right things just to be liked and accepted.
No changing your mind because the majority feels this or that way.
You can be you, that unique odd-wheel that has worth and value just as much as the next person.
Let your creative juices flow.
Think outside of the box.
Don't worry about popular thought.
If nothing else, you'll partake in some interesting conversations and feel really great about yourself. - Start eating right.
As you already know, life is pretty darn great.
Wish to enjoy it to an even greater level? Then stop shoving the crap down your throat and gunking-up the body works.
Your body is a quality instrument that's the result of 200,000 years of refinement and adaptation that's had great success.
Do yourself a favor.
Put down the burger, shake and fries with the donut chaser and start putting in the quality fuel your body requires to maximize it's efficiency.
You already know what isn't good for you.
Start eating right. - Start exercising.
We can't forget about health's twin sister.
Move in any way, and as frequently, as you can.
Don't like to exercise? Tough.
Get out there and do it anyways.
Do you need a life threatening event to uproot you out of your sedentary habits? Well, you're not too far from that day.
Trust me, you don't want it to come.
Move any way and in all-ways you can.
Stretch, bend, twist, stoop, slide, lean, turn, squat, step, lunge, kick, and push your way to health.
Get outside and walk.
Everyday if you can.
Start by walking to the mailbox and back.
Time yourself.
Cut that time in half next trip out.
Work up to going around the block, down to the neighborhood restaurant, over to the grocery store, or down the winding path at the local park.
The point is to get out, and MOVE. - Get out and socialize with people.
Don't become some lonely, boring, pathetic vegetable that forgets how to communicate with others.
Push yourself to meet new people.
Wear a smile.
Shower, brush your teeth, a put on some decent scrubs.
You'll feel better.
Start by talking about the weather if you need a subject.
Stand straight, chest out, shoulders back.
Stop stooping like you're ready to start looking for a lost contact lens.
Outwardly engage everyone you meet.
Find something to compliment people on.
Pretty eyes, nice looking dress, sharp looking shoes, pleasant smile, good speaking skills, or their friendly nature.
You can do it.
Watch the doors that open for you.