Health & Medical Eating & Food

Uses for Honeycomb

    • Honeycomb honey is the purest, most-unprocessed honey product of all.honey texture image by jonnysek from

      Honey was often sold in the honeycomb before the invention of centrifuges made it possible to extract it from the comb's small hexagonal cells made of bee wax. Honeycomb honey is totally unprocessed and is the purest form of honey, reports the website Benefits of Honey. Honeycomb honey also has a better flavor and aroma in comparison to extracted and processed honeys, according to the Airborne Honey website. Although less common today, honeycomb honey can be consumed in many different ways.

    Chewy Candy

    • You can eat comb honey just like chewy candy, with the added advantage that it is a totally natural and healthy treat. Comb honey is untouched and unfiltered, but due to the fragility of the comb, it can come with a relatively high price, reports the Benefits of Honey website.

    Uses as a Spread

    • Honeycomb honey can be used as a spread over bread, toast and biscuits. You can eat the beeswax comb as well, and, for most people, its taste goes almost unnoticed. However, many people are able to identify delicate flavours and aromas in the beeswax honeycomb, and consider it a gourmet treat, reports Airborne Honey.

    With Fruit and Cereals

    • You can eat honeycomb honey in the morning with breakfast fruit and cereal, by squeezing it out from the besswax comb. Honey has a natural tendency to crystallize, so if it is hard to squeeze out, you can just cut the comb into pieces and mix the pieces into your favorite fruit or cereal. This does not alter the quality of the product, reports Airborne Honey.

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