Defense Industry Lobbyists - But Why Do They Have to Do That?
The other day, I was discussing the challenges with all the lobbyists in Washington DC, you see, I'd just recently watched a Council on Foreign Relations video where Barney Frank, before he announced he wouldn't run for re-election, was bad-mouthing the Defense Industry lobbyists.
What he didn't mention was how he'd been in politics a long-time and how much campaign contributions he'd been able to collect from so many different industries, and he's a very successful politician.
Yes, I am not picking on poor Barney, as I know this has been going on in Bedrock for generations now.
Of course, if we continue our ways we are going to turn our nation into rubble, Barney.
The way I see it our Defense Contractors shouldn't have to bribe congress, they shouldn't even need lobbyists.
The government's number on job is to protect the American People first and foremost.
What I don't get is the bribe scandal with Duke Cunningham in San Diego; what like he needed a Rolls Royce and a Giant House from a defense contractor? After all, the defense contractors would have gotten the vote anyway.
Hell, Duke was always pro-military, he'd have voted for defense systems, as he was a Vietnam era attack pilot and naval aviator like my Dad and John McCain, flying A-4s.
My acquaintance asks; why not just pay the politicians more so they don't cheat? Well, I guess his point is just buy them the damn Rolls and House, and then let them vote for the BEST defense products that will serve our political will and protect our nation, yes, I get what he's saying here, totally understand.
Still, like the Tea Party and the more rational few amongst the group that seems to like to sit in parks all day, I worry about the crony capitalism in our own nation, and Adam Smith warned us about this.
Great kick-ass companies don't need a head start against their competition or special rules to provide barriers to entry; Rule Maker - Rule Breaker - Motley Fools - theory, they have the retained earnings, billions in cash, they need to be more efficient with it and compete, competition makes things more efficient.
You see, we have a great country with abundance and opportunity, no one needs a free hand-out, and no corporation (person) here needs to cheat, we can have our set of rules for doing business here, and we can allow the rest of the world to be a friggin-free-4-all, our way works, their way works sometimes.
And then there are the unions - same problem as crony capitalism, paying or bribing politicians to get their way.
Yes, America has a problem, and it's one we must solve as the system is broken.
Please consider all this and think on it.
What he didn't mention was how he'd been in politics a long-time and how much campaign contributions he'd been able to collect from so many different industries, and he's a very successful politician.
Yes, I am not picking on poor Barney, as I know this has been going on in Bedrock for generations now.
Of course, if we continue our ways we are going to turn our nation into rubble, Barney.
The way I see it our Defense Contractors shouldn't have to bribe congress, they shouldn't even need lobbyists.
The government's number on job is to protect the American People first and foremost.
What I don't get is the bribe scandal with Duke Cunningham in San Diego; what like he needed a Rolls Royce and a Giant House from a defense contractor? After all, the defense contractors would have gotten the vote anyway.
Hell, Duke was always pro-military, he'd have voted for defense systems, as he was a Vietnam era attack pilot and naval aviator like my Dad and John McCain, flying A-4s.
My acquaintance asks; why not just pay the politicians more so they don't cheat? Well, I guess his point is just buy them the damn Rolls and House, and then let them vote for the BEST defense products that will serve our political will and protect our nation, yes, I get what he's saying here, totally understand.
Still, like the Tea Party and the more rational few amongst the group that seems to like to sit in parks all day, I worry about the crony capitalism in our own nation, and Adam Smith warned us about this.
Great kick-ass companies don't need a head start against their competition or special rules to provide barriers to entry; Rule Maker - Rule Breaker - Motley Fools - theory, they have the retained earnings, billions in cash, they need to be more efficient with it and compete, competition makes things more efficient.
You see, we have a great country with abundance and opportunity, no one needs a free hand-out, and no corporation (person) here needs to cheat, we can have our set of rules for doing business here, and we can allow the rest of the world to be a friggin-free-4-all, our way works, their way works sometimes.
And then there are the unions - same problem as crony capitalism, paying or bribing politicians to get their way.
Yes, America has a problem, and it's one we must solve as the system is broken.
Please consider all this and think on it.