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How to Decide if You're a Republican

  • 1). Decide how you feel about taxes. Republicans generally support lower taxes across the board, which means they tend to favor lower spending on most government programs.

  • 2). Judge your dedication to individual rights. The Republican Party honors individual property rights and promotes the shifting of power to local communities and away from centralized government.

  • 3). Assess your feelings about gun control. The Republican Party opposes strong gun control legislation and supports the individual's right to bear arms.

  • 4). Decide your position on crime. Republicans generally push for strong enforcement and tough laws against drug traffic and juvenile crime.

  • 5). Take a stand on defense. The Republican Party promotes a strong national defense.

  • 6). Consider your feelings about abortion. The Republican platform is pro-life, while Democrats tend to support a pro-choice position.

  • 7). Get on the Republican Web sites and read the platform. If you find that you agree with the party's stand on most issues, you are probably a Republican.

  • 8). Listen to the candidates during an election year, or follow the voting record on a state or national level. If you agree with the Republican votes, you are most likely a Republican.

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