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Ideology Or Bust

As an ideological state, the dilemma of Pakistan is to justify its ideology in spite of its setbacks and failures.
The history of Pakistan from the very beginning is the history of disillusionment and disappointment, from experiments in constitution making and organizing political institutions.
Instead of realizing, analyzing and subsequently rectifying incompetent decisions taken under the cover of ideology, attempts are made to justify the wrong judgments.
But the process of disintegration, which is unleashed by social, economic and political forces, can not be checked in such a manner.
The ruling classes of Pakistan are not competent enough to solve the problems of the nation which require not only knowledge but a sense of commitment as well.
It is their need to create a sense of false patriotism among the peoples in order to silence all opposition and to suppress any challenge to other power.
The policy of promoting emotional patriotism is mostly followed by societies which are under dictatorships or are ruled by some ideology.
To thrust such patriotism on people various instrument and devices are employed.
These includes the creation of more heroes, establishing social and cultural myths, and infusing false pride and a false sense of dignity by writing national songs and anthems and propagating them through state own radio and television channels.
Today when our political, social and economic condition is deteriorating, we are relying more and more on the achievements of our heroes, and the greatness of our past and present leaders.
Slowly and gradually the number of our heroes is increasing.
Now we have two categories of heroes: National and regional.
Both types of heroes are required to fill the hollowness of our lives.
Similarly, attempts are made to celebrate "memorable days" such as August 14 as Independence Day, 6 September as Defense Day and March 23 as Pakistan day.
In the early period of Pakistan, March 23 was not regarded as significant and their were no celebrations on the day.
The day became important and popular only after the fall of Dhaka, a development that brought the two nation theory under question and seriously challenged the very basis of the ideology of Pakistan.
At that juncture, the ruling classes of Pakistan used all sorts of methods to justify the concept of the two nation theory.
One step taken in this direction was the decision to start officially celebrating March 23 as Pakistan Day.
The motive behind celebrating these days is not to make people conscious of history but to infuse a sense of false patriotism.
The celebrations are not for the benefits of the people but for the stability of the corrupt and inefficient ruling class.

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