Rush Limbaugh"s Operation Chaos - The Ninja Option?
By now you have to have been pulling a Castaway number to have not heard of Operation Chaos.
For those aspiring Robinson Crusoe's among you, Op.
Chaos is a brilliant creation of Rush Limbaugh.
What he has done is to give all those Conservatives who have missed out on voting against John McCain a new voting life by way of switching parties and becoming "Shadow Democrats" for the remaining DNC primaries.
Oddly enough, Rush is pushing all of these newly switched Shadow-Dems to vote for Hillary.
Now isn't that a kick in the pantsuits.
With enough newly acquired "sympathetic supporters" that have come rushing to her from the Republican side, she is quickly closing the gap with her opponent, B.
Hussein Obama, AKA, Mr.
Real Change.
The result of this mass switch of parties has caused all of the Liberals in the coming state elections to literally seethe in rage at Rush.
Oh if only they hadn't of fought so hard to get rid of firing squads.
As usual, Liberalism bites itself on its hemispherical butt.
What is believed is that this unique voting tactic will extend the race for the DNC Honcho-ship while at the same time forcing the Mainstream Media to expose all of the hidden spooks and skeletons in both candidate's closets.
Better still, Op.
Chaos has brought to the forefront the true power behind all DNC elections; which is an elusive covert branch referred to as, "The Super Delegates".
These Supreme Liberal Beings are the only Democrats whose votes will ever actually decide who wins the DNC ticket in all future Presidential elections.
Yes, despite the age old, "every vote should count" credo shrieked in wholesale fashion by the Democrats and their mainstream media cohorts; only the Elite Super Delegates have countable votes.
Thus, anyone who is dumb enough to vote for their favorite Democrat in a Presidential primary is closer to getting a free pass into Wally World than to have a real voice in who will be the DNC Presidential candidate.
Hey maybe that also explains why "P.
Barnum" Gore's Global Warming movement has gotten so popular? As the Democrat Elite know, there is a sucker born every day.
Which is why Rush's next phase of OP.
Chaos looks viable.
"The Doomsday Option" phase of Op.
Chaos requires the Super Delegate Elitists to completely ignore the highly touted HC and BO candidates and instead elect their own choice for the DNC.
Al Gore would be a viable choice except he won't debate any Republican about Global Warming.
Well, anyone except maybe comrade John McCain (see L.
) who has completely fallen for this global worm's scam.
There is also a good chance he could be the Super Delegates favorite choice.
Better still, if McCain became the DNC candidate that would mean we could actually have a Republican do-over election! That would light an M-80 under Old Yeller Reid and Pork Salad Pelosi.
That brings us to what I call the third phase of Operation Chaos; the "Ninja Option".
For years we have borne witness to elections being undermined and determined by the Mainstream TV and print media.
The primary tools for their cause have always been bias, distortion and the promulgation of socialistic doctrine.
This can only be expected from those who are elitist and yet inherently absent of common sense or moral values (see Bill Clinton).
Since the advent of cable news and the internet, all of their collusions with the DNC have slowly been tanking due to their shallow facade of objectivity...
along with their failing popularity.
About the only weapon of value left within their Liberal arsenal is polling...
and boy can they use the polls.
For the past thirty years the Democrat Party has basked in positive polling from their media cohorts like pigs wallowing in slop.
They're just as happy as they can be because they know that most Americans want to be followers rather than trend setters.
That's why Neil Boortz calls them, "Dumb-Masses".
Thus if a poll just happens to claim that the majority of Americans want something like "real changes", then the masses will follow in lockstep glee.
So in order to take away the Liberal Media's last offensive weapon, Rush needs to institute the final phase of Operation Chaos, the "Ninja Option".
What this will do is to virtually strip away polling from having any effect on the outcome of all future elections and insure that the MSM cannot alter the true, "will of the people".
That is because the Ninja Option creates and guarantees an ongoing supply of registered Democrat majorities across the USA.
So many in fact, that the DNC will not have a clue as to determining where to defend against or attack Republican candidates before general elections.
Imagine them wringing their evil little talons at trying to figure out where to spend money when they have the party voter majorities in just about every place...
and you thought you heard Howard Dean screeching before.
The Ninja option of OP.
Chaos requires that all participating Republicans who are Rush Babies (Conservatives) switch parties to join the DNC until the end of this 2008 election year.
Yes, that means even though your state has already blown its wad on electing L.
McCain, you can still get your shot at trying to win back Congress and the Senate to a Republican majority...
and do so by becoming a "Ninja Republican" under the Ninja Option! Don't worry; you will not be a Democrat for too long.
You can switch back to the Right after the General Elections.
You won't be there long enough to be seduced by the dark side of the Farce.
No, just put on your Ninja suits, join the DNC and poll as a Democrat but vote Republican.
That way the DNC and MSM will be completely befuddled at where to attack Republican candidates.
After the elections switch back to being a Republican and vote in your respective state Republican Primaries.
The beauty of this "Party-Hopping" via Operation Chaos and the Ninja Option is that you'll drive the DNC hierarchy absolutely bug-frigging nuts trying to figure out where they need to work their MSM cohorts and spend their uncontrollable "donor" money.
Sure, they can make their claims that a large majority of Americans are Democrats, but that won't mean flip when they start losing elections because of cross voting Ninja Republicans who are annually infiltrating their party after each state primary.
The cool thing about Operation Chaos and the Ninja Option is that this can be done each and every election year to counter the DNC money machines and the Mainstream Media's bias and polling.
Even though John McCain would be the first Republican to benefit from the Ninja Republicans, maybe we can get him to sign some kind of Conservative Presidential Pre-nuptial agreement? That's about the only way I'd ever vote for him.
For those aspiring Robinson Crusoe's among you, Op.
Chaos is a brilliant creation of Rush Limbaugh.
What he has done is to give all those Conservatives who have missed out on voting against John McCain a new voting life by way of switching parties and becoming "Shadow Democrats" for the remaining DNC primaries.
Oddly enough, Rush is pushing all of these newly switched Shadow-Dems to vote for Hillary.
Now isn't that a kick in the pantsuits.
With enough newly acquired "sympathetic supporters" that have come rushing to her from the Republican side, she is quickly closing the gap with her opponent, B.
Hussein Obama, AKA, Mr.
Real Change.
The result of this mass switch of parties has caused all of the Liberals in the coming state elections to literally seethe in rage at Rush.
Oh if only they hadn't of fought so hard to get rid of firing squads.
As usual, Liberalism bites itself on its hemispherical butt.
What is believed is that this unique voting tactic will extend the race for the DNC Honcho-ship while at the same time forcing the Mainstream Media to expose all of the hidden spooks and skeletons in both candidate's closets.
Better still, Op.
Chaos has brought to the forefront the true power behind all DNC elections; which is an elusive covert branch referred to as, "The Super Delegates".
These Supreme Liberal Beings are the only Democrats whose votes will ever actually decide who wins the DNC ticket in all future Presidential elections.
Yes, despite the age old, "every vote should count" credo shrieked in wholesale fashion by the Democrats and their mainstream media cohorts; only the Elite Super Delegates have countable votes.
Thus, anyone who is dumb enough to vote for their favorite Democrat in a Presidential primary is closer to getting a free pass into Wally World than to have a real voice in who will be the DNC Presidential candidate.
Hey maybe that also explains why "P.
Barnum" Gore's Global Warming movement has gotten so popular? As the Democrat Elite know, there is a sucker born every day.
Which is why Rush's next phase of OP.
Chaos looks viable.
"The Doomsday Option" phase of Op.
Chaos requires the Super Delegate Elitists to completely ignore the highly touted HC and BO candidates and instead elect their own choice for the DNC.
Al Gore would be a viable choice except he won't debate any Republican about Global Warming.
Well, anyone except maybe comrade John McCain (see L.
) who has completely fallen for this global worm's scam.
There is also a good chance he could be the Super Delegates favorite choice.
Better still, if McCain became the DNC candidate that would mean we could actually have a Republican do-over election! That would light an M-80 under Old Yeller Reid and Pork Salad Pelosi.
That brings us to what I call the third phase of Operation Chaos; the "Ninja Option".
For years we have borne witness to elections being undermined and determined by the Mainstream TV and print media.
The primary tools for their cause have always been bias, distortion and the promulgation of socialistic doctrine.
This can only be expected from those who are elitist and yet inherently absent of common sense or moral values (see Bill Clinton).
Since the advent of cable news and the internet, all of their collusions with the DNC have slowly been tanking due to their shallow facade of objectivity...
along with their failing popularity.
About the only weapon of value left within their Liberal arsenal is polling...
and boy can they use the polls.
For the past thirty years the Democrat Party has basked in positive polling from their media cohorts like pigs wallowing in slop.
They're just as happy as they can be because they know that most Americans want to be followers rather than trend setters.
That's why Neil Boortz calls them, "Dumb-Masses".
Thus if a poll just happens to claim that the majority of Americans want something like "real changes", then the masses will follow in lockstep glee.
So in order to take away the Liberal Media's last offensive weapon, Rush needs to institute the final phase of Operation Chaos, the "Ninja Option".
What this will do is to virtually strip away polling from having any effect on the outcome of all future elections and insure that the MSM cannot alter the true, "will of the people".
That is because the Ninja Option creates and guarantees an ongoing supply of registered Democrat majorities across the USA.
So many in fact, that the DNC will not have a clue as to determining where to defend against or attack Republican candidates before general elections.
Imagine them wringing their evil little talons at trying to figure out where to spend money when they have the party voter majorities in just about every place...
and you thought you heard Howard Dean screeching before.
The Ninja option of OP.
Chaos requires that all participating Republicans who are Rush Babies (Conservatives) switch parties to join the DNC until the end of this 2008 election year.
Yes, that means even though your state has already blown its wad on electing L.
McCain, you can still get your shot at trying to win back Congress and the Senate to a Republican majority...
and do so by becoming a "Ninja Republican" under the Ninja Option! Don't worry; you will not be a Democrat for too long.
You can switch back to the Right after the General Elections.
You won't be there long enough to be seduced by the dark side of the Farce.
No, just put on your Ninja suits, join the DNC and poll as a Democrat but vote Republican.
That way the DNC and MSM will be completely befuddled at where to attack Republican candidates.
After the elections switch back to being a Republican and vote in your respective state Republican Primaries.
The beauty of this "Party-Hopping" via Operation Chaos and the Ninja Option is that you'll drive the DNC hierarchy absolutely bug-frigging nuts trying to figure out where they need to work their MSM cohorts and spend their uncontrollable "donor" money.
Sure, they can make their claims that a large majority of Americans are Democrats, but that won't mean flip when they start losing elections because of cross voting Ninja Republicans who are annually infiltrating their party after each state primary.
The cool thing about Operation Chaos and the Ninja Option is that this can be done each and every election year to counter the DNC money machines and the Mainstream Media's bias and polling.
Even though John McCain would be the first Republican to benefit from the Ninja Republicans, maybe we can get him to sign some kind of Conservative Presidential Pre-nuptial agreement? That's about the only way I'd ever vote for him.