Stun Gun Self Defense
Because of all the crime in the world today, self defense weapons are growing in popularity.
Crime is on the rise where ever you live, whether it is the big cities, small towns, or anything in between.
You can never be sure that you are safe, that is why every one should be arming themselves with some form of self defense.
Stun devices are the most powerful of the self defense weapons that you can buy today.
Stun weapons work by zapping an attacker with a high electrical voltage.
This high voltage will immobilize your attacker.
And because the stun devices use low amperage, getting shocked with a stun device is not lethal and has no long term effects on your assailant.
They work by completely disrupting a person's nervous system.
The stun weapon stops the nervous system from working, so the brain can not send signals to the rest of the body.
This is why someone becomes completely helpless when they are zapped with a stun device.
The energy pulse causes a person's muscles to go practically haywire, contracting at a very high movement rate.
All of this muscle activity causes the muscles to put out lactic acid.
This lactic acid makes it hard for the muscles to move.
The total end result from the stun device is a person who can't move their muscles, who loses their balance and their bearing, and remains incapacitated and harmless for several minutes afterward.
Of course, like anything else, the stun gun self defense weapon has a different effect depending on the person it is used on.
Some people may go down like a sack of potatoes after only a second of touching the stun device, while another person will need a longer jolt from the device before they are incapacitated.
The longer you hold the stun weapon against your attacker means the effects he has will last longer and be more severe.
The voltage from the stun gun self defense weapon will not pass out of the attackers body back to you, even if you are standing in water or if it is raining.
So there is no need to worry about being shocked yourself when you are using the weapon.
So what is the best stun gun for you to buy? There really is not one that is the best for everyone.
I personally like stun gun flashlights.
When you do buy one, do not buy one solely based on which one is the cheapest.
Remember that the only time you will use it is when you are in danger and you will want something that is going to protect you and if you saved a few dollars on a stun device that does not work properly, it is too late to ask for a refund.
Crime is on the rise where ever you live, whether it is the big cities, small towns, or anything in between.
You can never be sure that you are safe, that is why every one should be arming themselves with some form of self defense.
Stun devices are the most powerful of the self defense weapons that you can buy today.
Stun weapons work by zapping an attacker with a high electrical voltage.
This high voltage will immobilize your attacker.
And because the stun devices use low amperage, getting shocked with a stun device is not lethal and has no long term effects on your assailant.
They work by completely disrupting a person's nervous system.
The stun weapon stops the nervous system from working, so the brain can not send signals to the rest of the body.
This is why someone becomes completely helpless when they are zapped with a stun device.
The energy pulse causes a person's muscles to go practically haywire, contracting at a very high movement rate.
All of this muscle activity causes the muscles to put out lactic acid.
This lactic acid makes it hard for the muscles to move.
The total end result from the stun device is a person who can't move their muscles, who loses their balance and their bearing, and remains incapacitated and harmless for several minutes afterward.
Of course, like anything else, the stun gun self defense weapon has a different effect depending on the person it is used on.
Some people may go down like a sack of potatoes after only a second of touching the stun device, while another person will need a longer jolt from the device before they are incapacitated.
The longer you hold the stun weapon against your attacker means the effects he has will last longer and be more severe.
The voltage from the stun gun self defense weapon will not pass out of the attackers body back to you, even if you are standing in water or if it is raining.
So there is no need to worry about being shocked yourself when you are using the weapon.
So what is the best stun gun for you to buy? There really is not one that is the best for everyone.
I personally like stun gun flashlights.
When you do buy one, do not buy one solely based on which one is the cheapest.
Remember that the only time you will use it is when you are in danger and you will want something that is going to protect you and if you saved a few dollars on a stun device that does not work properly, it is too late to ask for a refund.