How to Get Past Pharos Dungeon in FF12
- 1). Walk up the stairs to the east as soon as you enter the Pharos area. Use the save crystal and go into the misty area until you encounter a boss battle. Fight Hydro and proceed into the next room. Head to the northeast corner for a save crystal. Exit the room to the south and go up the small staircase in the next room to find the map for Pharos.
- 2). Exit the room with the map through the northwest door. Interact with the altar to place a Black Orb onto it -- you receive these from the random enemy encounters in this area. Walk along the path to the north to reach a new area. Go to the northeast corner to find an exit near the center of the room that leads to the southwest. Interact with the altar in the new area to place another Black Orb on it.
- 3). Backtrack to the room with the save crystal you used after fighting Hydro. Go down the southeast path to find another altar and place a Black Orb on it to unlock a door. Save your game and go through the door you just unlocked. Walk up the hill toward a large stone to encounter another boss -- Pandemonium. Once you defeat him, backtrack to the save point again, save your game and use the Way Stone that becomes active after the battle -- it is near the save point.
- 4). Head to the northeast, then follow the path to the north. Explore this new area and kill all of the Brainpan enemies you encounter to form a bridge -- there are four in the first area. Cross the bridge, go up the stairs and repeat the process for this new area. Do not kill the red Brainpan enemies -- these are called Deidar and will destroy the bridges you create once you kill them. Continue climbing stairs, killing Brainpans and crossing bridges until you reach the 48th floor.
- 5). Use the save crystal and head to the southwest area of the room to find a set of stairs. Climb them to encounter, Slyt, another boss. Head up the stairs to find a Way Stone. Use it to teleport to a new area. Use the save crystal in this area, then walk up to the the door marked "Threshold of Knowledge" and touch the altar to open it. This area strips you of your onscreen minimap, but you can still use your regular map. Enter, walk to the south, turn west and continue until you can turn north to get to the next floor.
- 6). Head to the east, then move along the circular walkway until you find a set of stairs in the northwest area -- climb them, then go north to find a door. Head east from the door to go down a long hallway, then head north down another long hallway. Go west in this new area to find an urn with the area map in it. Use the map to get to the southeast corner of the area, then head up the stairs.
- 7). Head to the northeast, then use the northernmost path to get to the northwest corner of the floor. Head south from here to find stairs leading to the next floor. Use the save crystal in this room, then go up the stairs to encounter Fenrir, another boss. Enter the next room -- the Threshold of Sacrifice -- and touch the altar to get your minimap back.
- 8). Head to the west to ride the elevator up to the next floor. Use the save crystal in this area, then use the Way Stone to get to the third and final area of Pharos. Touch the black sigil -- a Way Stone -- to teleport to another area. Head east, then go to the southeastern wall to find a Fool's Facade -- break it to reveal a green sigil. Touch it to go to the next area. Go down the hall in the new area to find a red sigil -- use it to get to a new area.
- 9). Open the chest, then use the purple sigil to warp to another area. Go north and approach the wall to the west to find another Fool's Facade -- break it and use the Way Stone to teleport to another area. Use the Way Stone again to teleport, then go through the door to the south. Examine the urn to find another map. Use the Way Stone, then save your game.
- 10
Use the elevator to the east to encounter another boss -- Hashmal. Follow the circular path after defeating Hashmal to see a cutscene, then save and use the Way Stone to encounter Gabranth, the penultimate boss. As soon as this fight is over, you must fight Dr. Cid, the final boss in Pharos. Finish the fight to leave Pharos.