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Texas Hold Em Tips and Tricks

There are many Texas hold em tips and tricks but none more important than this - do not ever attempt to bluff a new player.
There are thousands of books written on how to play Texas hold em, many of which tell you to play the odds against the new players.
My honest opinion is avoid them as much as possible.
Play with the new players who play tight, you can figure out what they're going to do quite easily, but avoid the new players who call every hand and will call on the river with a pair of twos.
Well, don't entirely avoid them, but don't land yourself in a coin flip situation with them either.
Wait until you pick up something they can't beat then take all their chips.
As for beginning tight players, intermediate players and advanced players just don't out-think yourself.
If you think you have the winning hand, you probably do.
If you're playing with a group of intermediate players and you see a possible straight or flush on the board and there are more than two people in the hand betting, it's safe to assume someone has the straight or the flush and you should fold immediately.
The intermediate and beginners will play for straights or flushes more often than a great player.
The great players know odds, outs, and what not so if you're playing a numbers game you're much safer against the good players than the bad.
Then again the good players will bluff you out of certain hands you could win, but if you think it's a lost hand, well you already lost the hand.
If you feel you have the hand won, then call or bet.
Pick your spots to bluff, and know your opponents.
You can study their habits, hand selection, etc while you're not in the hand.
Keep track of what they're winning with.
People have patterns about them.
Professionals are professionals because they are good at switching up how they play depending on the situation and the opponent but they still have an underlying style to which they play.
If you're playing tight, they may switch to a more aggressive style to take advantage.
Pick a spot to move in.
Wait for your chances.
This isn't a game where you have to play every pot or win every battle.
It's a war.
Take down the pots you can and throw away the ones you can't.
It's that basic.
You don't have to bluff everyone every five hands to pick up chips.
Pick your spots.
Think football or hockey.
When you're on offense you want to win the pot.
When you're on defense you want to prevent your opponent from taking your chips.
It's basically that simple.
Fold when you can't win as you're preventing your opponents from taking any more of your chips and bet when you have a good hand.
You may not win every pot you're betting, just like in football you don't score a touchdown every time, but you're going in with the intention of taking down the hand.
There are millions of Texas hold em tips and tricks that can be given out.
The most important one is protect your chips.
Take from your opponents without letting them take from you.
Don't make bad calls and you'll be fine.

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