Family & Relationships Weddings

Bowling Banquet Invitation Ideas

    Bowling Pins

    • Often bowling alleys will sell or give away old bowling pins as they replace them with new ones. Talk to the owners or managers of local bowling alleys to see if you can purchase or take the old pins. Collect enough pins to cover one for each guest. With a permanent marker, write the pertinent party information--such as the place, date and time--on the bowling pin. Hand-deliver each unique invitation to your guests.


    • Trace a pair of bowling shoes on a piece of construction paper. Since bowling shoes are stereotypically "uncool" and far from fashionable, decorate the shoe invitations with some outrageous and colorful designs. Write the pertinent party information onto the shoes--such as the place, date and time--and cut out the shoes. These invitations can be hand-delivered or placed in an envelope and mailed.

    Bowling Balls

    • Cut a circle out of construction paper. Cut three small holes out of the top to represent the finger holes on a bowling ball. Color in each ball the selected color. If desired, color each ball invitation the color of the bowling ball the individual typically plays with, for a personal touch. Write the party information on the bowling ball. Send these invitations through the mall, or if you want to make the bowling balls large, hand-deliver them.

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