Family & Relationships Weddings

Peace Sign Ideas for Birthday Parties


    • Print a large piece sign on several sheets of paper. Cut the peace signs out of the paper and write the party details on the back on the peace sign. Fold it in half and place the invitations in envelopes. Decorate the outside of the envelopes with peace sign stickers and stamps. Another idea is to tell your party guests to dress in their best groovy attire with items such as platform shoes, afros, peace symbol clothing and bright-colored hair accessories.


    • Cut peace signs out of card stock, poster board and cardboard. Paint the peace signs and hang them all over the party area. Inflate several tie-dye balloons to scatter around the party area. If you cannot find tie-dye balloons, draw peace signs on bright-colored balloons. Make a large banner that reads, "Welcome to ________'s Peace Sign Party." Hang curtain beads in all of the doorways and hang some on the walls of the party area.


    • Find several peace symbol coloring pages and have the guests color the pictures as they arrive to the party. This will give the guests something to do while waiting for the party guests to arrive. After all the guests arrive, make tie-dye shirts that the guests can take home as party favors. Tie-dye kits are available at craft and some retail stores. Add a final touch to the tie-dye shirts by drawing a peace sign on the shirts after they finish drying. Draw a peace sign on the front of the shirt with puff paint. Another option for drawing a peace sign on the shirt is bleach. Have an adult fill a spray bottle with bleach and spray a peace sign on the tie-dye shirt.

    Freeze Peace Sign Game

    • Draw a peace sign on several pieces of paper and scatter them all over the floor. Put out one less peace sign than you have players. Play 1960s and 1970s music and have the guests dance around the peace signs. When the music stops, each player must stand on a peace sign. The player not standing on a peace sign is out of the game. Award her a piece of peace symbol jewelry or a temporary tattoo for participation. Remove one peace sign and keep playing. Award the last player standing on a peace sign with a basket of peace symbol party favors to take home.

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