The Great Transition - Forsake Greed and Malice (Step 8)
The Great Transition - Making the Most of 2012 and Beyond The Eighth Step - Forsake Greed and Malice The eighth step in The Great Transition is one of forsaking greed and malice.
For many individuals, this is an oft heard refrain.
This step of forsaking greed and malice is a part of the process involved in raising a vibration; in shifting and reshaping limiting beliefs; and in preparing for the veil to become thinner and thinner.
And yet, it is the eighth step in the process.
This is due, quite simply, to the fact that in the current culture this is an almost impossible step until the earlier steps have been accomplished.
As you are reading and beginning to incorporate the steps to prepare for The Great Transition, it is valuable to take them in the order they have been presented.
For to take them in any other order is a more challenging preparation.
The process and the formulation of the step sequence are deliberate and designed for optimum results.
To 'forsake greed and malice' you must have shifted many of your beliefs; have adjusted your alignment to the societal norms; and have understood fully your purpose and connection with The Divine/The All.
Once you have accomplished these, you begin to understand the limitations of greed and malice; the manner in which greed and malice is out of alignment with that which your soul desires; and therefore, the great amount of karma and reparation necessary in future iterations.
With that said, it is valuable to speak about karma for a moment.
Karma is simply a matter of energy exchange.
Karma is not an eye for an eye process in the manner interpreted by the many.
Rather, karma is the balancing of energy.
And the balancing of energy can be accomplished in many different manners and through many different channels.
Greed and malice cause your soul to desire a significant balancing.
No one demands this of you except for you.
And, when you are ready, you will appreciate the value of and beauty of releasing greed and malice for both create not only the need for balance; they also create a great deal of energy drain and limitation in your current life.
In fact, greed and malice have very little value in your current life and create significant ramifications in future iterations.
Let's define these two attributes and energies.
Greed is the energy of never having enough.
Greed is the energy of always worrying that you will not get enough of the goodies.
And, with this worry, you attempt to gather all of the goodies for yourself rather than trusting The Divine/The All to provide you with all of the goodies you could ever want and more.
And, as the three year old child who, after gathering up all of the toys from the other children, is unable to play with any due to the need to protect his 'cache of toys' you, too, are unable to enjoy the fruits of your labor and gathering.
In this way, greed limits and hinders your own living.
Malice is a thought process based upon the fear that you might not have all of the toys and are angry because someone else might get more.
Malice is based upon a lack of self worth and a lack of trust in your own ability to create and be supported by The Divine/The All.
To this end, malice, when not attended to and released, becomes a way of living outside of the energy of The Universe, the support of The Divine/The All, and your own Soul Team.
Malice is based upon the assumption that only you can provide for you and only you are able to protect you.
What a lonely world to create.
When you release malice, you are able to release a great deal of pent up energy and anger at your own inabilities to provide for yourself.
Though your willingness and actions to shift your beliefs of how the world actually operates (despite the TV commercials and business sentiments) you are able to understand the Bible's references to 'the meet shall inherit the earth'.
For, as it has been predicted, the new world order will turn the current world order upside down.
This statement does not necessarily focus on organizations or governments.
This prophesy, found in many of the indigenous traditions and The Bible, speaks to how each individual will approach their daily living - and who will be supported and who will find support difficult to sustain.
The Great Transition is a transition of energy and a shift of utility of the energy.
The Great Transition is a transition of beliefs and understandings.
As the veil thins and the worlds merge, the new world order will support honor and respect and joy and love.
Forsake greed and malice - move into alignment with The Great Transition.
Prepare - Shift - Align.
For many individuals, this is an oft heard refrain.
This step of forsaking greed and malice is a part of the process involved in raising a vibration; in shifting and reshaping limiting beliefs; and in preparing for the veil to become thinner and thinner.
And yet, it is the eighth step in the process.
This is due, quite simply, to the fact that in the current culture this is an almost impossible step until the earlier steps have been accomplished.
As you are reading and beginning to incorporate the steps to prepare for The Great Transition, it is valuable to take them in the order they have been presented.
For to take them in any other order is a more challenging preparation.
The process and the formulation of the step sequence are deliberate and designed for optimum results.
To 'forsake greed and malice' you must have shifted many of your beliefs; have adjusted your alignment to the societal norms; and have understood fully your purpose and connection with The Divine/The All.
Once you have accomplished these, you begin to understand the limitations of greed and malice; the manner in which greed and malice is out of alignment with that which your soul desires; and therefore, the great amount of karma and reparation necessary in future iterations.
With that said, it is valuable to speak about karma for a moment.
Karma is simply a matter of energy exchange.
Karma is not an eye for an eye process in the manner interpreted by the many.
Rather, karma is the balancing of energy.
And the balancing of energy can be accomplished in many different manners and through many different channels.
Greed and malice cause your soul to desire a significant balancing.
No one demands this of you except for you.
And, when you are ready, you will appreciate the value of and beauty of releasing greed and malice for both create not only the need for balance; they also create a great deal of energy drain and limitation in your current life.
In fact, greed and malice have very little value in your current life and create significant ramifications in future iterations.
Let's define these two attributes and energies.
Greed is the energy of never having enough.
Greed is the energy of always worrying that you will not get enough of the goodies.
And, with this worry, you attempt to gather all of the goodies for yourself rather than trusting The Divine/The All to provide you with all of the goodies you could ever want and more.
And, as the three year old child who, after gathering up all of the toys from the other children, is unable to play with any due to the need to protect his 'cache of toys' you, too, are unable to enjoy the fruits of your labor and gathering.
In this way, greed limits and hinders your own living.
Malice is a thought process based upon the fear that you might not have all of the toys and are angry because someone else might get more.
Malice is based upon a lack of self worth and a lack of trust in your own ability to create and be supported by The Divine/The All.
To this end, malice, when not attended to and released, becomes a way of living outside of the energy of The Universe, the support of The Divine/The All, and your own Soul Team.
Malice is based upon the assumption that only you can provide for you and only you are able to protect you.
What a lonely world to create.
When you release malice, you are able to release a great deal of pent up energy and anger at your own inabilities to provide for yourself.
Though your willingness and actions to shift your beliefs of how the world actually operates (despite the TV commercials and business sentiments) you are able to understand the Bible's references to 'the meet shall inherit the earth'.
For, as it has been predicted, the new world order will turn the current world order upside down.
This statement does not necessarily focus on organizations or governments.
This prophesy, found in many of the indigenous traditions and The Bible, speaks to how each individual will approach their daily living - and who will be supported and who will find support difficult to sustain.
The Great Transition is a transition of energy and a shift of utility of the energy.
The Great Transition is a transition of beliefs and understandings.
As the veil thins and the worlds merge, the new world order will support honor and respect and joy and love.
Forsake greed and malice - move into alignment with The Great Transition.
Prepare - Shift - Align.