Science Goodie Bag Ideas
- Kids will go exploring outdoors in search of insects with the goodies you send home. Items to include are a magnifying glass for searching through the grass and a small net and container for capturing and keeping the bugs found. You can also include growing bug creatures, which expand and grow when placed in water.
- Take each kid’s imagination out into space by sending home a goodie bag filled with the moon and stars. Items star and planet stickers, glow-in-the-dark stickers for the ceiling of the bedroom and star charts. You can also include space putty and astronaut food, which can be found at education and museum stores.
- Rainbows are made when the light is sent through a prism and kids will enjoy seeing the colors on the walls. Kids can take the prisms home stand next to a window or walk around outside trying to create rainbows. Crystals can also create rainbows, but kids can check out how the crystals are formed. Include rock candy, on a string or stick, with a prism and crystal-themed goodie bag.
- Send home a collection of different shells with the kids to take home and try to identify. Pick up some pocket guides that explain how to identify shells to add to the goodie bag. To keep with the sea theme, include some salt water taffy.