Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Planting Rhododendrons

    • 1). Plant rhododendrons in early spring where the winters are cold. In regions where winters are mild, you can plant any time of year but in hot climates rhododendrons should be planted in the fall.

    • 2). Select a site where the shrub will be protected from harsh, drying winds but will have ample filtered sunlight, or morning sunlight and afternoon shade.

    • 3). Use a paper pH test kit to test the soil pH. Rhododendrons prefer acidic conditions with a pH lower than 6. If you test reveals a pH higher than 6, add as much organic matter as possible to acidify it. Avoid incorporating aluminum sulfate to acidify the soil, as this will harm the plant.

    • 4). Amend the soil with organic matter. Unless your soil is light, sandy and acid --- the rhododendron's ideal --- you should amend it with organic matter. You will encourage stronger root growth by tilling organic matter into the entire planting site, rather than just in the planting hole.

    • 5). Dig a hole three times the width of the root-ball and slightly shallower.

    • 6). Soak the root-ball thoroughly in a tub of water.

    • 7). Remove the root-ball from its container and sever any roots that encircle the it to loosen them. If the plant is "balled and burlapped" you can leave the burlap in place, but loosen it completely and cut any string or anything else that would otherwise constrain the development of the roots or trunk.

    • 8). Plant the root-ball so the surface is just above the soil line. Water the soil to remove air pockets.

    • 9). Mulch around the newly planted rhododendron, sloping the mulch so water runs in toward the root-ball instead of down and away.

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