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Infertility Statistics - Learning the Facts

Infertility Statistics is the collection, analysis and interpretation of numerical facts or data about infertility in a geographical location.
If seeing the numbers in a global perspective, infertility cases are on the rise ranging from 10% to 12% higher or one out of six couples are suffering from infertility.
It seems that our reproductive system cannot cope up with the modern stressful life that we are currently living in.
Infertility and sterility even ranks 3rd among the most life-threatening diseases of the 21st century according to World Health Organization.
There are many factors that contribute to the rising incidence of infertility; some of them are diabetes and female tubal defects.
One example is the growing cases of PCOs or poly cystic ovaries in women.
PCOs are directly linked to obesity, which hinders ovulation.
Diabetes and obesity are closely related as we know it.
And according to CDC or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics, obesity and diagnosed cases of diabetes among adults continue to rise at their highest levels.
Only in the USA, 10-20% of women between 15 to 44 or 6.
1 million people are receiving some sort of fertility services.
Even if IVF can be administered, there is still a chance of 25-30% of producing live births not by just getting pregnant.
Prevalence and incidence statistics for infertility are presently available in USA.
3 million Americans which is about nine percent of the population within the reproductive age bracket, has an issue about prevalence infertility.
People who are managing infertility at the specific time is what prevalence is all about; while 4 million Americans have an incidence infertility condition.
Incidence means that 4 million new cases of infertility had been recorded at the given time.
Though statistics could help analyze infertility problems in a specific geographical location, some data it presents especially in the prevalence and incidence data have problems.
In the prevalence data-we have to take into consideration the diagnosed and the undiagnosed cases, the different methods used in gathering data and the cured and remission conditions by which a person had gone through.
In incidence data-we have to reflect on the official reported cases whether it came from the government notifications or physician/hospital diagnoses.
Some reports are unsubstantial given that not all sources are being statistically carried out.
In general, reputability and accuracy of each source, accuracy of date/location and different racial factors that makes up the figures are also considered problems that may arise statistically.

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