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Interactive Digital Signage To LCD Enclosures Used in Health Care

Touch Screen technology is being used in Dental Surgeries.
Customer facing hardware is becoming an acceptable part of everyday life, without us even considering them.
So using a tablet computer on entering the dental surgery to sign in for a consultation is nothing new.
Capturing data in this way helps the staff to manage the information in an effective way, all helping in the smooth running of the operation, and providing the patient with the greatest care.
Everything from a basic change of address or telephone number, to renewing any prescribed medicines can be simply changed.
These interactive computers are usually wired to the main server within the dental practice, or otherwise linked via the Internet to a central processor, as in the case of a dental franchise.
The information is stored securely with little if any paperwork (though inevitably there is always some!).
The displays can be touched using a finger or stylus which stops the challenges of illegible writing, causing blunders to be made.
And the program can be set out in the form of a flow chart - YES or NO boxes leading to other related questions, or a color coded format, with simple boxes to fill in.
This is applicable to almost everyone, including older patients, who may not be as familiar or self-confident in utilizing such technology.
Another lucrative use of the LCD advertising screen is to include advertisements, for the patients.
Watching a moving image is far more eye-catching than reading the more usual static board and it supplies a revenue 10 fold, as more than the one advertising campaign can be running in succession over a time.
This form of engaging data inputting is something we'll see a lot more of in every walk of life, now let us look at Flat screen housings, that are being used in hospitals.
TV Enclosures - Applications In Hospitals For Digital Advertising Protection We are all conscious that dynamic advertising is prevalent every where we look; now we are noticing dynamic advertising deployed in hospital car lots.
Hospitals have awoken to the reality that they can profit from the revenue they get from ad agencies that install the dynamic signage equipment and take possession of the dynamic marketing system.
Now marketing agencies are focusing on local organizations and pharmaceutical companies who are in turn marketing on the advertising network, the funds paid is then split on a percent rate to the hospice.
So these organizations have discovered that the most effective way to safeguard the electronic hardware is to put them within LCD cases, these units offer the ideal amount of fortification from the elements and from human abuse.
Way finding.
The LCD housings are used in conjunction with the dynamic signage technology for way finding in the car park to direct visitors and patients to the correct wards, this eliminates anger and misunderstanding when visiting friends and family.
These enclosures give the proper protection from the rain, snow and vandals.
Emergency Rooms - Time warping.
Would you not rather look at a TV program to while away the time, whilst waiting to be seen by a doctor? But the issue is as the nights go on, the ER are often filled with patients who are smashed by drink or drugs and this is a tricky time for workers, as a noticeable number of physical attacks on medical professionals have been reported in the past couple of years.
As well as the staff being protected by security staff, the dynamic signage in the emergency room is also protected from attack with LCD housings.
These prevent patients trying to remove the TV hardware or even worse, stops them from damaging the screen.
Ward use.
When young children come to a hospital it can be a disturbing experience, as nothing will be familiar, however some hospitals are fitting televisions in children's wards to get them into familiar surroundings by letting the children watch cartoons, this then relaxes them and puts them at ease.
As we all know with offspring, the need is there to prevent little fingers getting to any electrical cables, hence the use of LCD housings; these give a level of protection throughout the medical establishment.
Now if there are areas of the hospital that are not protected or monitored, the technology needs to be protected by anti vandal LCD enclosures, these stop vandals breaking into the housing and stealing equipment this is prevented by using state of the art, high security locks - even defacing the display with spray paint is difficult as the viewing window has a particular coating that just wipes clean of any spray paint!

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