Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Care for a Peace Lily Flower

    • 1). Check that the plant is potted in the right material. According to The Garden Helper website, peace lilies do best when potted in a well-draining soil. A commercial soil blend that contains peat moss, sand and bark is best.

    • 2). Place the plant in bright but indirect light. Full sunlight can burn the leaves. Bright fluorescent lights can also provide the plant with a sufficient amount of light.

    • 3). Water the plants regularly. Denver Plants recommends checking the plant for moist soil three times a week and watering if the soil is dry below the surface.

    • 4). Trim back any brown tips or dying flowers. Ron Smith, a horticulturist with the NDSU Extension Service, recommends removing dead foliage and flowers to allow the plant to enter its natural dormancy cycle.

    • 5). Re-pot the peace lily when it reaches the right size or every two years. Re-potting a plant into a larger container helps prevent it from becoming root-bound. Look for roots extending out of the pot's drainage holes, or note if the plant needs watering every other day. These are signs that re-potting is necessary.

    • 6). Fertilize your peace lily every three months. A half diluted 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer is a good choice.

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