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Dating Women - Walk Away From Bad Behavior

Because they seem to have no other relationship options, a countless number of guys will stay with a woman no matter how badly she treats him.
She can blow off dates, talk down to him, make outrageous demands, and basically treat him like garbage, and because the guy doesn't think he can get another girl, he will just put up with it.
Many guys somehow believe that if they put up with a woman's bad behavior long enough, that she will eventually see how much he loves her, and will love and respect him equally in return.
Unfortunately, this is a totally misguided notion.
Most women want a fun, self-confident guy, who respects himself, and who doesn't need her to have a good time.
Once a woman knows you can't live without her, and will put up with any selfish or bad behavior she dishes out, your chances of keeping her challenged and interested in you goes right out the window.
Not only should you respect other people, but you should demand the same degree of respect for yourself.
You should never put up with any kind disrespect from anyone, especially a person you are in a relationship with.
You will have a much better chance of keeping a woman interested in you if you stand up yourself, than if you allow her to walk all over you.
Just remember that there are 3 billion women on the planet.
If the woman you are with starts displaying negative, or disrespective behavior towards you, be willing to walk away.
If you do, it's very possible she will chase after you with new found respect.
A respect she will never have for you if you can't respect yourself enough to leave.

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