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How to Last Longer in Bed For Men - Is There Any Any Secret Formula?

How to last longer in bed for men is the burning question that scientists and physicians attempt to answer.
The male and the female bodies are both different and just as the male body gets to their orgasm quicker, the female body avoids any type of refractory period which means that females have the potential to last longer in bed than men.
Due to the refractory period that directly accompanies a men's ejaculation, the man needs ample time in order to reacquire that sexual energy and drive that it once possessed before the ejaculation.
There are different ways for men to last longer in bed and an array of ways to do it.
However, due to the fact that the refractory period takes too long and messes up the whole sexual mood, men will have to find ways that delay the refractory period which means that they have to find ways to delay their ejaculations which directly lead to the periods marred with no drive and sexual motivation.
Popular ways in which a man can last longer than the average, which is less than ten minutes, include masturbation practice, the use of a condom, the stop and squeeze method, different alterations of sexual positions, and circular motions of thrusting the penis into the vagina.
However, there are a variety of ways to do this.
One of the most crucial components is variety.
If the sexual activities are not fun, then the woman will begin to get tired of them rather quickly.
A man that is used to lying in the missionary position and watching his woman do the work can use a different position that the woman might enjoy more.
Thus, the man can go along with a slower, playful, and seductive method such as applying oils to the female body and slowly caressing her.
Then the man can let the woman choose her own choice of sexual position.
The man can also let the woman do the work as she can stay on top of the penis.
This applies a lot of pressure on the male's penis and also disallows it from firing earlier than expecting.
Many couples like to let the man stick his erect penis inside the vagina and just keep it there while the couple engages in foreplay methods such as hugging and fondling.
Changing it up every time out is a great way for the man to last longer in bed with the female.
Due to the composition of he female, it can go on forever as long as the male and sexual potential are concerned.
Therefore, there are many ways in which the female can be pleased, and these ways will increase the time in which a male can last longer with the female.
The female's main spot of sensation is the clitoris.
The man that knows this can rub his penis around this area in a circular motion to get the woman more into the mood.
This can also allow the woman to reach her orgasm faster.
There are also times when the man prefers to just stick his fingers in the vagina rapidly which do allow the female to reach her orgasm rather quickly.
Once the female reaches her orgasm, she will be kind enough to serve as a tool for the man to reach his.
This is the ultimate benefit of knowing how to last longer in bed for men.

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