Things to Consider Before Deciding to Divorce
I want a divorce! These can be four of the most life changing, earth shattering words.
Or perhaps you can't help feeling a sense of relief, although it may be slightly guilty relief.
Whether you are relieved or devastated, you are sure to feel some sort of emotional loss, and feelings of being out of control.
It is very normal for you to turn to someone else to fill those emotional voids.
Such relationships are called rebound relationships.
These rebound relationships usually get their start when a significance love has been destroyed.
People that are enduring the trauma of divorce generally feel they need a cushion of sorts.
They can't handle the feelings of loneliness and lovelessness, so they turn to someone else for support.
It is easy when you are hurting to turn to someone else, but try to remember that you are probably an emotional mess.
This makes it more likely that you don't know for sure what you want or need.
You may try to find the opposite of what your previous partner was, but remember, you may not be thinking clearly.
Not to put a damper on things, but lets deal with the cold facts.
Rebound relationships rarely work out long term.
With all the emotions that have been running wild throughout the divorce, the divorcee simply needs time to heal before starting another relationship.
Another thing that you should know is that once the divorcee has recovered and is once again thinking clearly, they may be shocked at some of the decisions that they made.
It is often that they realize they needed a replacement love, and didn't truly love the new partner.
They make the decision to end this second marriage, leaving the other partner feeling the same pain that they originally felt.
Try to find a new hobby to distract you for awhile.
This will help the grieving process.
When you feel you are ready to try again, make sure you don't make the same mistakes that you made in your last relationship.
Take your time, then move on.
You run a great risk dating a just divorced male.
You will very likely get dumped in a short time.
Also, make sure you know if the person is living in the past or the future.
They may live with you but still fantasies about the previous partner.
If both of you are ready to risk everything and talk, you can develop a good relationship.
Or perhaps you can't help feeling a sense of relief, although it may be slightly guilty relief.
Whether you are relieved or devastated, you are sure to feel some sort of emotional loss, and feelings of being out of control.
It is very normal for you to turn to someone else to fill those emotional voids.
Such relationships are called rebound relationships.
These rebound relationships usually get their start when a significance love has been destroyed.
People that are enduring the trauma of divorce generally feel they need a cushion of sorts.
They can't handle the feelings of loneliness and lovelessness, so they turn to someone else for support.
It is easy when you are hurting to turn to someone else, but try to remember that you are probably an emotional mess.
This makes it more likely that you don't know for sure what you want or need.
You may try to find the opposite of what your previous partner was, but remember, you may not be thinking clearly.
Not to put a damper on things, but lets deal with the cold facts.
Rebound relationships rarely work out long term.
With all the emotions that have been running wild throughout the divorce, the divorcee simply needs time to heal before starting another relationship.
Another thing that you should know is that once the divorcee has recovered and is once again thinking clearly, they may be shocked at some of the decisions that they made.
It is often that they realize they needed a replacement love, and didn't truly love the new partner.
They make the decision to end this second marriage, leaving the other partner feeling the same pain that they originally felt.
Try to find a new hobby to distract you for awhile.
This will help the grieving process.
When you feel you are ready to try again, make sure you don't make the same mistakes that you made in your last relationship.
Take your time, then move on.
You run a great risk dating a just divorced male.
You will very likely get dumped in a short time.
Also, make sure you know if the person is living in the past or the future.
They may live with you but still fantasies about the previous partner.
If both of you are ready to risk everything and talk, you can develop a good relationship.