Travel & Places Fly Fishing

Supplies to Catch Fish

    • Reel fishing can be a relaxing hobby for image by BengLim from

      Whether you spend your days in waders fishing for perch at the lake or hunting down tuna on a boat at the ocean, the tools and supplies you use to catch fish can affect the size of your catch at the end of the day. If you enjoy catching fish for sport during your leisure time or if you rely on your catch for sustenance and income, choosing the right supplies can help you catch fish quickly and conveniently.

    Rods and Fishing Line

    • Start with at least a 100-foot spool of fishing reel image by Brett Mulcahy from

      If you plan to fish in the traditional manner, you'll need a good fishing rod and fishing line. To catch most small and medium-sized fish, a medium-light rod that measures between five and six feet should suffice to meet your needs. If you plan to fish for large, heavy fish or if you plan to fish in deep, rough waters of the ocean, a heavier weight rod is needed to compensate for the extra force. Options in fishing line also vary depending on your fishing needs. A lighter five-pound fishing line lets you cast farther into a lake or stream, but heavier 15-pound lines allow you to catch larger fish with less breakage.

    Floats, Weights and Hooks

    • The right fish hook can increase your fishing success.Fish Getting Hooked (illustration) image by Lucid_Exposure from

      If you decide to catch fish with a traditional fishing rod and line, you'll also need floats, weights and hooks. Floats are lightweight plastic balls that attach to the end of your fishing line to help you keep track of your line in the water, and weights are used to keep the line steady in the water. You can use a weight of about 2 oz. for calm waters and a 4 oz. weight for rougher water. Various sized hooks are used to catch different sizes of fish, and you should keep a tackle box full of several weights, floats and hooks in case your fishing needs change during the day or your line breaks and you lose your hook or float.

    Lures and Bait

    • Bring a cooler or container to store live bait.Fish Bait image by Ibizarre from

      Although you could always try your hand at fishing without bait, most seasoned fishermen prefer a high-quality bait to catch high-quality fish. You can purchase lures and bait from most sporting goods suppliers. Depending on the species of fish you are trying to catch, you can find brightly colored lures designed to attract a fish's attention as well as lures that are created to look like a fish's favorite snack. Some fishermen bait fishing line and fish traps with worms or small bait fish that are known to attract larger fish.

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