Home Time Management: 3 Steps to Meeting Your Goals This Year
What are your goals this year where time management at home is concerned? We all have dreams that this year will be different...
including many of those who have experienced failure year after year and who refuse to admit that they've (secretly) made resolutions.
Indeed, making the resolutions is not near as hard as making them become a reality.
What about you? Do you make the same resolutions year after year? You're going to lose the same 25 pound as you were going to lose 3 years ago when it was only 15 pounds.
You're going to spend more time with those kids who are growing so fast.
Oh, and last year's failed resolutions centered around strengthening that "connection" you felt with your spouse.
This year you're determined to follow through and make more time for family.
Go ahead and dream big.
Maybe you want to: · Spend more time with your family · Spend less time on housework...
while keeping a cleaner house, of course · Get the family pitching in and helping around the house · Start serving meals you're proud of and that they'll love · Spend time on enriching your mind · Heck, just save some time for yourself...
guilt-free I think most people would love every one of those changes in their lives.
And I'm pretty sure those things (maybe slightly variations) are on most people's resolution list...
probably year after year after year.
If you're nodding your head right now then you're going to want to keep reading because I'm going to outline 3 ways to meet your goals this year and...
get your home time management under control.
Step 1 - Figure out exactly what your goal IS.
Many times we want things to be different and we come to a screeching halt there...
and so does any potential change.
If you want to go somewhere you normally know where you're going when you get in the car.
You wouldn't say you're going on vacation without having a destination in mind (if you would, remind me to never go on vacation with you).
Well, the same is true for any changes in how you manage your time at home.
You've got to know where you want to go before you can even hope to get there.
So, first you have to figure out what exactly you want.
Put it in concrete terms like "I want to have a month's worth of rotating menus so I'm never caught off-guard again" or "I want to have the kids doing their own laundry.
" You simply can't go on to step 2 until you've done this because you simply can't reach a goal that's unidentified.
A personal example: I wanted desperately to find time when I could write and (a) I was at my peak mental alertness, (b) I had alone time, and (c) it didn't interfere with family time.
Those stipulations helped clarify and solidify that goal as opposed to "I want to find more time to write," which is so vague as to be useless.
Step 2 - Figure out what you need to do different in order to accomplish that goal.
Obviously, you need to do something different or else you wouldn't be seeking change, now would you? Once you know what your goal is you can figure out what you need to do different.
You can...
and should...
do this for each and every goal you have.
A personal example: I had learned many years ago that I work at my best level if I get up at 4:21 a.
(there is a story behind that particular time).
I had so much energy and mental alertness that I just didn't have the rest of the day.
And, alone time? Yeah, no one else was up at that time.
Obviously, since I wanted change, I wasn't doing that which I knew worked for me.
Step 3 - Now, do whatever it is that you identified in step 2.
All your wishing in step 1 and planning in step 2 will be for naught if you don't then actually DO what you've identified that you need to do.
A personal example: Identifying that I wanted to work at my peak level, without interruptions, and leaving my family time intact, then planning to get up at 4:21 a.
will be nothing more than wasted time unless I then actually DO it.
Following these 3 steps to meeting your goals this year will ensure that you reach any and all goals you may have with regards to your home time management.
including many of those who have experienced failure year after year and who refuse to admit that they've (secretly) made resolutions.
Indeed, making the resolutions is not near as hard as making them become a reality.
What about you? Do you make the same resolutions year after year? You're going to lose the same 25 pound as you were going to lose 3 years ago when it was only 15 pounds.
You're going to spend more time with those kids who are growing so fast.
Oh, and last year's failed resolutions centered around strengthening that "connection" you felt with your spouse.
This year you're determined to follow through and make more time for family.
Go ahead and dream big.
Maybe you want to: · Spend more time with your family · Spend less time on housework...
while keeping a cleaner house, of course · Get the family pitching in and helping around the house · Start serving meals you're proud of and that they'll love · Spend time on enriching your mind · Heck, just save some time for yourself...
guilt-free I think most people would love every one of those changes in their lives.
And I'm pretty sure those things (maybe slightly variations) are on most people's resolution list...
probably year after year after year.
If you're nodding your head right now then you're going to want to keep reading because I'm going to outline 3 ways to meet your goals this year and...
get your home time management under control.
Step 1 - Figure out exactly what your goal IS.
Many times we want things to be different and we come to a screeching halt there...
and so does any potential change.
If you want to go somewhere you normally know where you're going when you get in the car.
You wouldn't say you're going on vacation without having a destination in mind (if you would, remind me to never go on vacation with you).
Well, the same is true for any changes in how you manage your time at home.
You've got to know where you want to go before you can even hope to get there.
So, first you have to figure out what exactly you want.
Put it in concrete terms like "I want to have a month's worth of rotating menus so I'm never caught off-guard again" or "I want to have the kids doing their own laundry.
" You simply can't go on to step 2 until you've done this because you simply can't reach a goal that's unidentified.
A personal example: I wanted desperately to find time when I could write and (a) I was at my peak mental alertness, (b) I had alone time, and (c) it didn't interfere with family time.
Those stipulations helped clarify and solidify that goal as opposed to "I want to find more time to write," which is so vague as to be useless.
Step 2 - Figure out what you need to do different in order to accomplish that goal.
Obviously, you need to do something different or else you wouldn't be seeking change, now would you? Once you know what your goal is you can figure out what you need to do different.
You can...
and should...
do this for each and every goal you have.
A personal example: I had learned many years ago that I work at my best level if I get up at 4:21 a.
(there is a story behind that particular time).
I had so much energy and mental alertness that I just didn't have the rest of the day.
And, alone time? Yeah, no one else was up at that time.
Obviously, since I wanted change, I wasn't doing that which I knew worked for me.
Step 3 - Now, do whatever it is that you identified in step 2.
All your wishing in step 1 and planning in step 2 will be for naught if you don't then actually DO what you've identified that you need to do.
A personal example: Identifying that I wanted to work at my peak level, without interruptions, and leaving my family time intact, then planning to get up at 4:21 a.
will be nothing more than wasted time unless I then actually DO it.
Following these 3 steps to meeting your goals this year will ensure that you reach any and all goals you may have with regards to your home time management.