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Money Make Easy: 6 Easy Methods To Find Prospects

Where to find prospect? It's THE question that many marketers arise. But what is the correct answer? Once you've targeted your market, that means responding to questions like what kind of people, what age group, where they live, what are their needs, what is the best way to achieve and what are their consumption pattern, then you can start looking for them…where they are!

Well, they are everywhere! But the difference is that: rather than chasing them you must ensure that they find you and for this, there are several simple and free methods.

1. Articles
You can write informative articles on a subject that would interest your market and publish them to article directories on the internet, there are many for free. These sites are very loved by Google and if your article is well written, you will have the chance to be well positioned on Google and attract lots of leads.

2. Blogs
You can create a blog about network marketing or the product category you are promoting that will give some advice or tips that will help your prospects solve an immediate problem, and show this way your credibility and expertise. And Google loves blogs too!

3. Videos
A video says more than thousand words. Everyone would like much rather see a person talking and being able to feel emotions than be inform about exactly the same thing, but by text. Another reason is that 52% of searches with Google results are videos. Besides, Google acquired YouTube and YouTube alone receives 20% of traffic from the web. So I really encourage you to use this great marketing tool.

4. Forums
Participate in forums that deal with topics related to your market, give your opinion, talk with people and, above all, always try to make more than average, and you will be noticed. Most forums allow you to sign with a link. You will therefore leave the link to your blog or capture page only, no links on a sales site or any business opportunity. Users will see in you a seller if you do so.

5. Google
Je pense que c'est l'une des mthodes les plus efficaces parce que les gens qui font des recherches sur google sont les meilleures perspectives, car ils cherchent des solutionsun problme donn, ils peuvent tomber sur votre blog, vos articles, commentaires sur des forums ou des vidos que vous publiez, puis par cette faon, vous avez une grande chance d'attirer un maximum de prospects, et les meilleurs types possibles. Ce n'est pas une mthode facile, mais faisable avec un peu de pratique.

6. Social networking sites
Sites like facebook, twitter, myspace, linkedin, etc... are a great way to find a lot of prospects, even if the primary purpose of social networks is to create relationships with other users. So what you have to do is create relationships with others, share things, relevant information, be really interested in them and their needs, and naturally they will be interested in you, and seek to learn more about you. It's at this point they go down on the link that you have on your profile or they even ask you questions about just what you do in life. Create a maximum of relationships, like any kind of business on earth!

All these methods are effective but I suggest you to choose two at most to begin, and concentrate on them, it will allow you to control them and make lots of profits rather to use them all and have low results.

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