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Pay Per Click Marketing

Online marketing pay per click when should you pay per click
A popular tool in the online community is Pay Per Click or PPC a tool most commonly affiliated with Google and Yahoo.

PPC became popular because you "literally" buy top placement results in Google and Yahoo searches. These visitors are usually targeted by keyword relevant to your site making them valuable visitors. The main question here is, is the cost of PPC campaigns worth the visitors you will receive?

Here is how you determine if PPC is right for your site. Is your product expensive (over 200 dollars)? If it is, I would suggest a test run with either Google or Yahoo. As the price of a product increases it is more likely that your product will be right for a PPC campaign. Let's say we are paying one dollar per click with Yahoo and we make one hundred dollars per sale. With sales to click ratio we need to make a sale one out of every one hundred visitors and that is just to break even. I am sure you can see why a PPC campaign can be very costly. Rule: Do not use a PPC campaign until your website is completely finished! Rule: Do not take people to a splash page (page that captures info) with a PPC campaign.

Do you have a content website? Are you just trying to make money with Google ads on your site? If so, you will never need to use a PPC campaign. PPC campaigns should only be used for membership sites and high profit margin products. If you are trying to drive traffic to a content website you will need to be patient and wait until Yahoo or Google picks up your website the good old-fashioned way/the free way.

Membership sites are a special exception to the rule. Membership sites have recurring billing, which allow them to use PPC campaigns. As a membership builds up members their cost per member becomes less. Say a membership site is willing to pay 200 dollars per month for a PPC campaign and starts with zero members. The cost per member to join is thirty dollars per month. It will a couple months of higher expenses but as long as you are signing up people it should be profitable in the long run. Make sure your monthly membership is worth at least forty dollars per month.

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