Health & Medical Acne

Acne and Acne Treatment: What To Keep In Mind

What is Acne? Acne or pimple is an unwanted bump or lesion on the skin which all of us would do anything to avoid.
It can affect people between the age groups of ten and forty and may appear on parts of the body like the face, back, buttocks, thighs, neck, so on and so forth.
Types of Acne Acne may be of several types and a person may suffer from multiple types at the same time.
A few types are: 1) Congested pores or "comedones" 2) Blackheads 3) Whiteheads 4) Cysts (deep pimples or boils or pustules) 5) Pimples or zits It is an unsightly skin condition and sometimes results in lack of confidence in the person or may also cause the sufferer to be the butt of social ridicule and persecution.
Causes of Acne The cause may vary from person to person like the onset of puberty or errant lifestyle, or stress, hormonal imbalance, heredity, drugs, pressure on a skin surface, cosmetics, a few jobs that require exposure to industrial cutting oil, using oral contraceptives or just poor hygiene.
One should also keep in mind that acne can also be the symptom of some other rather deep seated disease and therefore it should be treated as soon as they appear.
Treatment Those who suffer from acne keep hoping for a miracle to rescue them.
Nowadays, treatment of acne has reached new levels of success as a result of extensive research in this field.
Acne can be cured in several ways which range from herbal to surgical.
Acne treatment that one can avail are: 1) Lifestyle changes: A few lifestyle changes can be made to avoid pimples and these include: * Regular uninterrupted sleep for at least six to eight hours a day.
* Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday.
* Regular moderate exercise and meditation.
* Eating plenty of green vegetables and fruits.
* Avoiding junk food.
2) Other remedies: These include taking mineral and vitamin, like zinc (not more than 25 to 50 mg per day) and vitamin A and D supplements, going for spot cleaning treatments.
A few other solutions may also be availed like: a) Following a regimen of daily skin care which includes cleansing and using products suited to one's particular skin type.
b) Using a product like Benzoyl peroxide might help.
c) One should also opt for oil free make up and products to prevent chances of more breakouts.
d) "Pore strips" and facials might help.
e) Laser treatments and chemical peels are also an option.
f) Home remedies like toothpaste and vinegar works wonders for some.
g) A dermatologist may be able to offer creams and antibiotic and antibacterial medicines for both oral and external use.
A Few Points to be Kept in Mind • One should never pick pimples, at any cost.
• Avoid touching the affected skin.
• Visiting a doctor helps as he might be able to detect the causes accurately and prescribe a solution accordingly.
Finally, one should keep in mind that acne is a temporary problem and can be completely cured with proper care.
So when facing the problem having a positive approach is always beneficial.

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