Benefits Of Home Aquaponics
For a small family of four, a $600 to $1000 investment can feed them for years with year round vegetables and fresh fish.
The larger scale production sites of the Aquaponics business system can produce greater profits than traditional farming techniques. One of the reasons being that the water does not need to be constantly replenished as in regular farming techniques and the production of crops is increased up to 8 times for the same area used for plants with Aquaponics. This efficiency and reduction of raw materials increases the profit potential significantly.
For marketing your vegetables, the term organic can be used since there are no man made fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides used in the growth or maintenance of the crops. This allows the price of them to be increased because the demand for organically grow crops are priced higher.
The farm raised fish are also considered healthier since they are not exposed to the waste and heavy metals that are in an abundant supply in the streams across the world. This makes them safe to be eaten even by pregnant women and children.
Tilapia is considered the chicken of fish and is used in many of the Aquaponics farms for business. They have been known to grow rapidly and can be placed in a rice field upon planting and be of an edible size by the time the rice is ready for harvesting. Because of this fast growth, harvesting of fish and plants can be simultaneous in many instances.
Because the tilapia is a vegetarian species of fish, their food supply requires less cost to maintain than their carnivorous counter parts. This also means their waste is not as nutrient packed as salmon or bass, so more are required to produce the needed nutrients. It is a trade off the aqua farmer has to make.
The Aquaponics business system has low maintenance and start up costs that can produce a solid revenue stream for any budding entrepreneur.
If you're itching to grow some of your own fruits and vegetables, but don't have any space than indoor aquaponics is a perfect fit for you. The great thing about an indoor aquaponics system is that even if it's very small you can still grow a lot of fruits and vegetables with it.
As an example... imagine you had a 2' x 3' garden filled with a couple plants. An aquaponics system can easily grow 10x as many plants as a normal soil garden can and because it fixes the watery taste problem of hydroponics whatever you grow tastes great!
The other great thing about indoor aquaponics is that it doesn't take very long to setup and doesn't cost very much (if you go the DIY route which is recommended because kits cost too much). You can be setup quite quickly and after you let the system cycle once (which is important) you can start growing whatever you want.
In order to get started you're going to need an aquarium that's 20 - 30 gallons (or bigger if you have the space). On top of that you're also going to need a watering trough (they look pretty good and can be bought at your local hardware/livestock store). Once you have those two parts you're also going to need a small aquarium pump and some PVC to plumb everything together.
The larger scale production sites of the Aquaponics business system can produce greater profits than traditional farming techniques. One of the reasons being that the water does not need to be constantly replenished as in regular farming techniques and the production of crops is increased up to 8 times for the same area used for plants with Aquaponics. This efficiency and reduction of raw materials increases the profit potential significantly.
For marketing your vegetables, the term organic can be used since there are no man made fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides used in the growth or maintenance of the crops. This allows the price of them to be increased because the demand for organically grow crops are priced higher.
The farm raised fish are also considered healthier since they are not exposed to the waste and heavy metals that are in an abundant supply in the streams across the world. This makes them safe to be eaten even by pregnant women and children.
Tilapia is considered the chicken of fish and is used in many of the Aquaponics farms for business. They have been known to grow rapidly and can be placed in a rice field upon planting and be of an edible size by the time the rice is ready for harvesting. Because of this fast growth, harvesting of fish and plants can be simultaneous in many instances.
Because the tilapia is a vegetarian species of fish, their food supply requires less cost to maintain than their carnivorous counter parts. This also means their waste is not as nutrient packed as salmon or bass, so more are required to produce the needed nutrients. It is a trade off the aqua farmer has to make.
The Aquaponics business system has low maintenance and start up costs that can produce a solid revenue stream for any budding entrepreneur.
If you're itching to grow some of your own fruits and vegetables, but don't have any space than indoor aquaponics is a perfect fit for you. The great thing about an indoor aquaponics system is that even if it's very small you can still grow a lot of fruits and vegetables with it.
As an example... imagine you had a 2' x 3' garden filled with a couple plants. An aquaponics system can easily grow 10x as many plants as a normal soil garden can and because it fixes the watery taste problem of hydroponics whatever you grow tastes great!
The other great thing about indoor aquaponics is that it doesn't take very long to setup and doesn't cost very much (if you go the DIY route which is recommended because kits cost too much). You can be setup quite quickly and after you let the system cycle once (which is important) you can start growing whatever you want.
In order to get started you're going to need an aquarium that's 20 - 30 gallons (or bigger if you have the space). On top of that you're also going to need a watering trough (they look pretty good and can be bought at your local hardware/livestock store). Once you have those two parts you're also going to need a small aquarium pump and some PVC to plumb everything together.