How to Play 75 Ball Bingo
Do you love playing Bingo but hate the crowd at the Bingo hall? Maybe you have always wanted to play Bingo but never got around to learning how.
Online Bingo may be the solution you are looking for! 75 Ball Bingo is a popular online Bingo game which plays much like traditional Bingo.
You have Bingo cards, daubers, and a Bingo Caller.
You also have competitors to play against and a jackpot to win! Here is a list of some of the 75 Ball Bingo terms you will need to familiarize yourself with in order to play and win at the game.
Bingo card: This is your playing card.
It is in a grid format with five blocks across and five blocks down.
The word BINGO appears across the top five boxes.
Each letter in the word BINGO heads a column.
The rest of the cells in the grid are filled with 24 random numbers ranging from 1 to 75.
In the middle of the Bingo card is a "free space".
This space is automatically covered and will count as a valid covered cell in any winning pattern.
Patterns: In order to win the game, you will be required to cover numbers on your card which form a pattern.
Each game will have its own determined pattern.
This will be displayed in the corner of your screen.
Many different creative patterns are utilized, as well as a black out, or total card coverage play.
Bingo Caller: This is a Game Master who will be responsible for calling the numbers you will use to cover your Bingo cards.
Chat: A vital component of online Bingo is the ability to "chat" with your online competitors and the Game Master.
This is your virtual Bingo hall.
You typically will have several chat rooms to choose from, so pick one and join in on the fun! How to play: Now that you are familiar with some of the 75 Ball Bingo terminologies, here are some instructions and rules to get you started.
First you must purchase your Bingo card or cards.
Then the Bingo caller will begin to call out random numbers attached to the letter B, I, N, G, or O.
You will then search down the column of the letter called and look for the coinciding number which was called.
If you have the number on your card, you may daub (cover) it.
Play will continue in this manner until someone completes the chosen pattern for this game.
The first person to complete the pattern will be declared the winner.
Easy! Many times the jackpot amounts will depend on how many Bingo cards have been purchased and the number of participants in that game.
Some games may have a set minimum jackpot amount regardless of numbers of players.
75 Ball Bingo is fast becoming one of the most popular online games.
With the amount of participants growing each day, so are jackpot amounts.
With the rising fuel costs, playing Bingo from the comfort of your own home is a great convenience.
You will have the opportunity to meet some online friends who share in your passion for Bingo.
So, instead of fighting the sea of overly zealous "I heart Bingo" clad masses at the local Bingo hall, grab your virtual daubers and head to your computer.
Troll dolls or other good luck charms optional.
Online Bingo may be the solution you are looking for! 75 Ball Bingo is a popular online Bingo game which plays much like traditional Bingo.
You have Bingo cards, daubers, and a Bingo Caller.
You also have competitors to play against and a jackpot to win! Here is a list of some of the 75 Ball Bingo terms you will need to familiarize yourself with in order to play and win at the game.
Bingo card: This is your playing card.
It is in a grid format with five blocks across and five blocks down.
The word BINGO appears across the top five boxes.
Each letter in the word BINGO heads a column.
The rest of the cells in the grid are filled with 24 random numbers ranging from 1 to 75.
In the middle of the Bingo card is a "free space".
This space is automatically covered and will count as a valid covered cell in any winning pattern.
Patterns: In order to win the game, you will be required to cover numbers on your card which form a pattern.
Each game will have its own determined pattern.
This will be displayed in the corner of your screen.
Many different creative patterns are utilized, as well as a black out, or total card coverage play.
Bingo Caller: This is a Game Master who will be responsible for calling the numbers you will use to cover your Bingo cards.
Chat: A vital component of online Bingo is the ability to "chat" with your online competitors and the Game Master.
This is your virtual Bingo hall.
You typically will have several chat rooms to choose from, so pick one and join in on the fun! How to play: Now that you are familiar with some of the 75 Ball Bingo terminologies, here are some instructions and rules to get you started.
First you must purchase your Bingo card or cards.
Then the Bingo caller will begin to call out random numbers attached to the letter B, I, N, G, or O.
You will then search down the column of the letter called and look for the coinciding number which was called.
If you have the number on your card, you may daub (cover) it.
Play will continue in this manner until someone completes the chosen pattern for this game.
The first person to complete the pattern will be declared the winner.
Easy! Many times the jackpot amounts will depend on how many Bingo cards have been purchased and the number of participants in that game.
Some games may have a set minimum jackpot amount regardless of numbers of players.
75 Ball Bingo is fast becoming one of the most popular online games.
With the amount of participants growing each day, so are jackpot amounts.
With the rising fuel costs, playing Bingo from the comfort of your own home is a great convenience.
You will have the opportunity to meet some online friends who share in your passion for Bingo.
So, instead of fighting the sea of overly zealous "I heart Bingo" clad masses at the local Bingo hall, grab your virtual daubers and head to your computer.
Troll dolls or other good luck charms optional.