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Video: How Do I Make a Hand-Tied Silk Wedding Bouquet?

Video Transcript

Hi, my name is Christina Gavenda with, and today we're going to talk about how to make a hand-tied silk flower wedding bouquet. For this project you're going to need your bouquet of silk flowers, green floral tape, a straight pin and a pair of scissors. You are also going to need ribbon. First we're going to take our floral tape and cut off a piece. Next we're going to gather our bouquet and get our flowers basically how we want them. Now we're going to take our floral tape and wrap it around a couple times just to secure our bouquet. Now that we have it secured, we can take our floral tape and we're going to start at the top and work our way down wrapping pretty much the whole stem. You want to pull the tape pretty tight but be careful because it will rip. Next we're going to take our ribbon, starting at the bottom and we're going to wrap everything that we want covered. If you want the bottom of your bouquet covered, go ahead and wrap that. I'm just going to start where my green tape is at and work my way up. For the last bit of my ribbon I'm going to come to the end of it, fold it under, making sure that none of the seam shows and then I'm going to take my craft pin, then I'm going to pin it on making sure I secure the pin inside the bouquet where it won't stick anyone's fingers. Now your bouquet is finished. Thanks so much for watching. My name is Christina and today we talked about how to hand-tie your silk wedding bouquet.

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