Home & Garden Home Appliances

How to Get to the Belt on a GE Dryer

    • 1). Unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet.

    • 2). Open the door. Remove the screws along the top of the door frame inside the dryer.

    • 3). Lift the top panel up. Rest the panel against the wall behind the dryer.

    • 4). Remove the screws holding the top of the front panel to the dryer cabinet. Unplug the plastic electrical connector leading to the door switch from its socket.

    • 5). Lift the front panel up and away from the dryer to completely disconnect it from the cabinet. Set the panel off to the side.

    • 6). Move the idler pulley arm toward the front of the dryer to relieve tension on the belt. Slide the belt off the pulleys and the drum.

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