If You Want to Get Your Ex Back, Set Them Free!
Yes, if you want to get your ex back...
set them free! Loving someone doesn't mean owning them or controlling their lives.
This is the first mistake we all tend to make when we fall in love.
When the situation becomes too overbearing your love becomes your ex-love and leaves you- sad, hurt, and bewildered! If you really want to get your ex back you need to understand this- loving means setting them free: free to select their paths; free to make choices; free to make up their minds; free to decide who their time should be given to.
Freedom means UNSHACKLING your love and giving them SPACE! Very often you have to move away from your siblings and family and then you realize how much you miss them.
The same applies to your ex too.
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder" as said by Richard Bach in his book.
This is very true...
You need to be a little far away to gauge your importance in the life of your ex.
Are you needed? Space and time are big healers and whatever broke up your relationship may not seem as important as the thought of never seeing you again! If there is even a bit of emotion in your ex's heart, the fire will get rekindled.
You need to move a little away, to observe from the distance: if your ex is brooding and cheerless, your absence could very well be the cause.
Rather, YOU brought SUNSHINE into everything for your ex, just by being there.
Patience is the virtue to get your ex back: pursue it for a while.
In the meanwhile, do get down to self evaluation.
Gather your details clearly in your mind, sift and sort out the basic crux of the cause of the breakup and start changing that aspect of your nature.
A newer, softer, calmer and gentler you will definitely carve a place in the heart again.
The effort has to be made by you to rectify all that was wrong and ensure it becomes a thing of the past.
Seeing a changed you will make your ex sit up and also understand that you have been analyzing and are trying to change things for the positive.
This will take you one step closer to getting your ex back.
If your ex really cares and understands you, this effort will help you come close again, much more than before.
If this was a genuine love that you shared, it will all settle back into place, and everything that went wrong will be forgotten and will flow out of your lives like water under the bridge.
set them free! Loving someone doesn't mean owning them or controlling their lives.
This is the first mistake we all tend to make when we fall in love.
When the situation becomes too overbearing your love becomes your ex-love and leaves you- sad, hurt, and bewildered! If you really want to get your ex back you need to understand this- loving means setting them free: free to select their paths; free to make choices; free to make up their minds; free to decide who their time should be given to.
Freedom means UNSHACKLING your love and giving them SPACE! Very often you have to move away from your siblings and family and then you realize how much you miss them.
The same applies to your ex too.
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder" as said by Richard Bach in his book.
This is very true...
You need to be a little far away to gauge your importance in the life of your ex.
Are you needed? Space and time are big healers and whatever broke up your relationship may not seem as important as the thought of never seeing you again! If there is even a bit of emotion in your ex's heart, the fire will get rekindled.
You need to move a little away, to observe from the distance: if your ex is brooding and cheerless, your absence could very well be the cause.
Rather, YOU brought SUNSHINE into everything for your ex, just by being there.
Patience is the virtue to get your ex back: pursue it for a while.
In the meanwhile, do get down to self evaluation.
Gather your details clearly in your mind, sift and sort out the basic crux of the cause of the breakup and start changing that aspect of your nature.
A newer, softer, calmer and gentler you will definitely carve a place in the heart again.
The effort has to be made by you to rectify all that was wrong and ensure it becomes a thing of the past.
Seeing a changed you will make your ex sit up and also understand that you have been analyzing and are trying to change things for the positive.
This will take you one step closer to getting your ex back.
If your ex really cares and understands you, this effort will help you come close again, much more than before.
If this was a genuine love that you shared, it will all settle back into place, and everything that went wrong will be forgotten and will flow out of your lives like water under the bridge.