How To Reduce Your Skin"s Oiliness
For those who are prone to suffering from acne, one of the worst aspects of this condition can be the fact that it makes your skin oily.
Many people find this as big a problem as the acne itself, and there seems to be no easy way to stop your skin from getting oily in the first place! Today, I'm going to share a few useful hints for reducing the oiliness of your skin that have worked for me and countless others.
Tip 1 - Don't Scrub Your Skin When you go to wash your face in the morning/evening/whenever you choose to do so, take care not to scrub your face too hard with your facecloth or towel.
Instead, lightly dab your face using an extra soft facecloth and towel.
This is an important step to take as scrubbing your skin will stimulate the oil glands to produce more oil which will lead to worse rather than better skin.
Try not to exfoliate too much as well (limit yourself to once a week) as it will really stimulate the oil glands like you wouldn't believe! Tip 2 - Don't Over-wash Your Skin Over-washing your skin has a very similar effect on your skin's oil level as scrubbing does - it causes a massive upsurge in production due to excess stimulation.
You should wash your face twice a day (max) using a mild cleanser and lukewarm water.
Don't use cleaners that contain substances such as salicylic or benzoyl peroxide as they probably just irritate your skin more in the long run.
Tip 3 - Get Some Sun On Your Face In the words of the song "Where The Streets Have No Name" by U2, "I want to feel sunlight on my face.
" This is exactly what you should be trying to do every day.
About 10 minutes of sunlight on your face is great for vitamin production and will help to reduce the oily appearance of your skin.
Many people claim that sunlight actually causes your skin to produce more oil.
This is true if you spend to much time in the sun and wind up burning, but for a short amount of time it will do far more good than harm.
The above tips I have shown you are three easy steps to reducing the oiliness and shine of your skin.
Although it is rather difficult to completely stop oil productionby preventing the inflammation and stimulation of the oil glands beneath the surface of the skin you can slow the rate of oil production quite dramatically.
Many people find this as big a problem as the acne itself, and there seems to be no easy way to stop your skin from getting oily in the first place! Today, I'm going to share a few useful hints for reducing the oiliness of your skin that have worked for me and countless others.
Tip 1 - Don't Scrub Your Skin When you go to wash your face in the morning/evening/whenever you choose to do so, take care not to scrub your face too hard with your facecloth or towel.
Instead, lightly dab your face using an extra soft facecloth and towel.
This is an important step to take as scrubbing your skin will stimulate the oil glands to produce more oil which will lead to worse rather than better skin.
Try not to exfoliate too much as well (limit yourself to once a week) as it will really stimulate the oil glands like you wouldn't believe! Tip 2 - Don't Over-wash Your Skin Over-washing your skin has a very similar effect on your skin's oil level as scrubbing does - it causes a massive upsurge in production due to excess stimulation.
You should wash your face twice a day (max) using a mild cleanser and lukewarm water.
Don't use cleaners that contain substances such as salicylic or benzoyl peroxide as they probably just irritate your skin more in the long run.
Tip 3 - Get Some Sun On Your Face In the words of the song "Where The Streets Have No Name" by U2, "I want to feel sunlight on my face.
" This is exactly what you should be trying to do every day.
About 10 minutes of sunlight on your face is great for vitamin production and will help to reduce the oily appearance of your skin.
Many people claim that sunlight actually causes your skin to produce more oil.
This is true if you spend to much time in the sun and wind up burning, but for a short amount of time it will do far more good than harm.
The above tips I have shown you are three easy steps to reducing the oiliness and shine of your skin.
Although it is rather difficult to completely stop oil productionby preventing the inflammation and stimulation of the oil glands beneath the surface of the skin you can slow the rate of oil production quite dramatically.