Family & Relationships Conflict

Tricks and Anti-Psychotic Techniques Used to Win Back My Ex in Just Days!

Proven techniques on winning back a lost love with-in days.
Have you ever been dumped, and now spending every waking hour looking for help on "how to get an ex back when it's seeming impossible'? Don't bother entertaining the terrible thoughts we all have with such a loss, because what you have lost does not mean you have lost it forever! Here are some quick and simple tips that if applied correctly will ensure a speedy re-unite, and get this.
Even if he has moved on to another woman and no longer appears to be interested.
Read on!...
The first Step: Convincing him, by various means discussed later, that he still wants you.
The following steps will by no means feel as it any convincing is taking place.
In fact, once you have applied these steps, you will be the one doing the taking back, with him on his knees.
(In a good way of course).
The Second Step: Being, the most advantageous things that you can do is be his friend.
As hard as this might be after a break up, and especially if he is with another woman.
Showing this kind of respect when one expects just the opposite, will start the wheels in motion leading to the desired outcome you want.
You must refrain from any jealousy, signs or anger, or hard feelings at this time.
There is an old saying.
If you want something you have never had, you must to do something you have never done.
Now you may be thinking well, I had him before but truthfully you didn't, or we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Change is never easy, but how bad do you want him back? Show him that you can maintain a healthy friendship with him as things are currently.
When the drama and stress of the past wears off, he will come to realize that he wants you back.
Step Three: When communicating with your ex, be sweet and kind to him but don't be afraid to come across opinionated.
The goal now is to get him to want you, but at the same time sending signals that he cannot have you just yet.
Now some would call this game playing, but I call it strategic positioning of yourself, making the last move his in your favor! You are beginning to make him realize the mistake he made from leaving you along with thoughts of regret now taking over.
Step Four: Put on your "hard hat", you're entering a construction zone! No need to fear though, this is your building, so keep the locks on tight.
Post the "keep off" signs in every corner with confidence knowing you are the one in control.
The longer you keep him window shopping, means the longer you can be certain that he will continue to buy once YOU open shop! At this time, you want to make sure you are including as many friends into the mix as possible.
Drumming up a little bit of jealousy never hurt anyone, right? It is important however, that you play it safe on this front, as to not come off as unavailable, for obvious reasons.
Step Five: Never, ever-ever, display acts of desperation.
That will undermine all the forward progress you have made so far.
Leaving him now with rehashed feelings of how things use to be.
To be successful here you are going to have to play every card as if you have the winning hand, flawlessly.
In doing so, reassuring him that you are fine with everything as is, including his decision to end the relationship and your willingness to move on.
Again, acting out of desperation will give you desperate results, which I can tell you are not the ones you were working towards.
So avoid at ALL costs.
Step Sex(Six): Sorry was a miss type, but decided to leave as a reminder of what not to engage in, (YET)! Moving on now to a simple eye to eye mind drill.
Now when you feel or notice him looking at you, or if you feel like he is starring at you, I want you to look at him from the corner of your eye only.
This glance from the side is acknowledging him to some degree, with a mysterious touch, keeping him engaged and you in control.
Step Seven: This all will become more easily accomplished the further along you go, now leading you to more casual conversations.
By you reminding him of some of the best times that you have had together.
Bringing up good memories creates good feelings, which create good positive results.
The more you engage in this manner, the greater your success! Keep it positive! As hard as it may be at times, I can assure that taking this approach, the road often less traveled, will ultimately make you feel much better, and him wanting much more.
OF YOU! This is just the icing on the cake when it comes to repairing, restoring, and rekindling broken relationships.
The main key is this.
It's one's willingness and ability to adopt a new perspective to an old issue, thus creating a different outcome.
Remember, the definition of psychotic behavior is simply, repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results.
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