Health & Medical Self-Improvement

In Awe of the Straw! 3 Reasons That Something So Small Can Be A Big Deal!

I made my way to my studio today and stopped for a delicious dose of sweet southern tea! I was handed the tea and no straw.
I tapped on the window (my sister would be so proud) and got the woman's attention, she knew what I wanted and opened the window holding the straw.
I drove away with a fine appreciation of this funny little tube that we put in our beverages and the person who created it and how this little item really has transformed the way we do things in the world.
Here are my positive aspects of "The Straw": You can drive your car and have a refreshing beverage without ice hitting you in the face.
Straws makes a neat and convenient toy to amuse and annoy your friend.
The creation of the first straw is the basis for all types of spiral tube items used in electric motors, electronic devices, electronic components, aerospace, textile, automotive, fuses, batteries, transformers, pyrotechnics, and more.
The straw is practical and entertaining, something so small in our lives, and is a "big deal" when you order a beverage and there are no straws to be found and when you want to watch TV, listen to a radio, or send things into space.
I have made it a habit to always do a rampage of appreciation right when I wake up in the morning.
As I make my list of all to appreciate I am starting to take a new look at things, people and places that are in my life and find ways to appreciate them for just being on this journey with me.
When I change my perspective and my awareness of the people, places and things, my life changes in the most amazing ways.
All of this awareness will help you reshape your thinking and reprogram your subconscious mind, something as small as a straw CAN make you smile and in turn make you FEEL better and make you happy, YES, it really is that easy!! Appreciate something today, appreciate LOTS of somethings today and everyday and watch your life transform in amazing ways!! Get in awe of everyday things, everyday people in your life or everyday places, because everyday, in every way life gets better and better! Now, I'm going to manifest a veranda to sit and sip my tea!! Have an amazing day and if you are up for it, get in touch and tell me what you appreciate! Enjoy! You are appreciated! Anna.

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