Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Keeping the Love Meter High

The love meter is part of measuring just how hot your relationship is. When you first got together you know the love meter was off the charts. You probably didn't want to sit around and watch a whole lot of TV. You probably ran off to work a little late a few times. Every time you and your partner got together it was something special.

Time can change things and over time you and your partner can lose that high love meter feeling. There are things to do and life sort of takes on a sense of normalcy. It can take several years to reach this point, but it generally happens between the first 18 months and 5 years. There is a great deal of physiologically based reasoning for this. The brain chemicals that are released are quite powerful when you first get together. Over time, these chemicals change and they are simply not as potent.

Between your responsibilities with work, the kids, and other pressing matters it is no wonder that eventually your partnership starts to fade off into the background. There is not a couple that doesn't experience a certain amount of fading. This can be highly worrisome for some people while it is just seen as normal for others. Keeping things fresh is not easy, usually because we see it as time consuming.

Fortunately, it doesn't have to be all that time consuming to help perk up the love meter in your relationship. You can do simple things like send an email and pick up a little something special on the way home. Sometimes just being thought of is enough to keep that meter ticking.

You can also decide to devote a weekend to each other if time permits. Whether you actually go off on some romantic vacation or you just decide to be romantic at home and send the kids packing, a weekend together can be just the thing to focus on what's really important.

It's not unusual for couples who have been rather low on the love meter lately to do a certain amount of arguing during these weekends. This is often because communication in general hasn't been great and now that there aren't any distractions you can focus on these issues. This isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it just takes coming to a resolution in order to keep moving forward. What's most important is that the pair of you don't allow too much time to go by without checking in with the love meter.

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