Family & Relationships Conflict

When the Time Comes

When it comes around to the time that you have wished for.
When they are starting to show interest again.
It is important that you stay detached enough so you don't dive back in with both feet first.
If you have followed the vital steps and utilized the magic power of making up, you will have done a lot of work on yourself and must realize that you are worth being treated with dignity, respect and desire.
After all, you don't want this to be just a short dalliance with what might have been.
You deserve more than that and it is important that you keep your independence.
They will respect you more in the long run and it will have more of a chance of surviving the long term when you respect your boundaries and respect theirs.
Remember it didn't work the way it was, so now you have a chance of making it last in the longer term.
In order for a Rose bush to grow properly it needs to not be choked by weeds.
Weeds can strangle the very life from something that can bring great joy.
But two Rose bushes can flourish side by side and their petals can intertwine and make the most fragrant scent together.
If you want to make the long term you must make the choice to be another Beautiful Flower and not a weed! When you are properly in your centre and walking in your power you will be a much more desirable partner when you can give them space and not be clingy and openly fearful of losing them again.
This is an important thing to accept, and an important, even vital, point to comprehend.
You may not be at that stage yet but it is worth thinking about these things now when you are finding your magic power.
When the steps have been made properly to get your Ex back and you have done them wholeheartedly then the time will most likely come when you have to think about this and plan for a longer future together.

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