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Internet Marketing Tips - Email Marketing Startup Tips

Everybody has to start someplace.
Not everyone is an expert at something right off the bat.
Email marketing is no different.
There are some basic things that you have to know when starting up or you're going to be totally left out in the cold.
In this article, I'm going to share with you some basic startup tips to get you going in the right direction.
I think you will find these very helpful.
For starters, and this may be the most important thing of all, get a reputable company to send your emails for you.
Don't try to send them yourself from your own servers.
There are too many problems with this, not the least of which are spam complaints and getting your ISP to shut you down.
It's just not worth the risk.
Plus, if your domain gets blacklisted, that is going to kill your delivery rate.
A reputable company like Aweber or Get Response won't have this problem.
So don't do this yourself.
It's too big a hassle.
When building your email list, you want to make sure that you're targeting people correctly.
If you have a book on how to cure acne, you want to make sure that you're using keywords that are attracting people who are specifically looking for acne cures.
People who are just looking for general info on acne are not targeted enough and will be wasting space on your list.
The more highly targeted your list is, the better it will perform.
When you email your list, you don't want to bombard them with offer after offer.
You need to give them something of value in order to gain their trust.
Otherwise, you're going to have them bailing out on you so fast, you won't know what hit you.
Offer them a free report or a newsletter.
Give them something to make them feel like you actually care about helping them.
Finally, provide them an easy way to unsubscribe if they want to.
The can spam laws are very specific about this.
There must be one link and one action to take in order to unsubscribe.
Anything else is in violation of the law and can land you in a boat load of trouble.
These few tips should be enough to get you started.
If you want more info, there is a great resource below that will help.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim

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