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How to Clone Master Balls in Pokemon Diamond Version

    • 1). Place a very common pokemon in your group of six primary pokemon. Select that pokemon in your start menu and select the "Hold" option from the drop down menu. Give your common pokemon the Master Ball to hold.

    • 2). Go to Jubilife City. Enter the large building on the west side of the city. Interact with the girl at the desk next to the spinning globe in order to connect to the Pokemon Global Trading Station.

    • 3). Select the "Deposit Pokemon" option once you are in the global trading station. Deposit your common pokemon with the Master Ball. When you are prompted to select the kind of pokemon you want, select a common pokemon from previous pokemon games at level 100. For example, a level 100 Pidgey or a Level 100 Weedle will suffice.

    • 4). Turn your DS off while the game is depositing your pokemon in the Global Trading Station. This must be done at a very specific time. Once the game begins the process of depositing your pokemon, a timer symbol will appear in the "Checking GTS Status" window. You must turn the DS off as soon as the timer has completed eight revolutions.

    • 5). Turn your DS back on and restart your pokemon game. You will receive a message stating that the current save file is corrupted. After you see this message, you will find yourself outside of the large building in Jubilife City.

    • 6). Go back to the Global Trading Station and retrieve the pokemon you deposited. You should now have two of the same pokemon in your possession, each holding a Master Ball.

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