Family & Relationships Conflict

5 Surefire Ways to Avoid a Breakup

When you are in a relationship, you tend to try not to do things that can cause a break up.
However, there are many issues that are mainly seen as ignorant and downright stupid to break up over but it happens on a frequent basis.
Most of these relationship issues can be avoided by using your common sense.
Did you know though that there are five surefire ways to avoid a relationship breakup? Cheating This is the biggest issue facing couples.
It also the most unforgivable offence a person in a relationship can make.
There are many reasons people cheat but the one excuse many people justifying the cheating have is they feel lonely from the lack of attention their significant other tends to give.
It is more likely men will cheat; however, women are also cheating culprits.
If you want a surefire way to end a relationship, then cheating is your best bet.
This problem tends to bring on plenty of heartache and plenty of pain.
One thing you should know...
if you don't think your partner will find out, it is more likely you will be wrong.
They always do either by your actions, your words or from someone else close to you and your partner.
Overbearing If you are in a relationship that tends to leave a sour taste in your mouth every time you speak to your other half, it is likely that you are in a controlling relationship.
If your other half tends to tell you what to do, what to wear, who to talk to and so on, then you are likely to feel out of control of the situation.
You may also have a relationship where your other half calls more than he or she should, demanding where you are at all times.
Should this be the case, it is not a healthy relationship.
Remember a relationship needs to have some type of trust.
Lack of Emotional Support Couples should always lean on each other for emotional support.
However, there are some couples who seem to never show the emotional support that is needed in a relationship.
By not having this kind of support, it tends to lower the self esteem of one of the partners.
This lack of support can be deterred by listening to your spouse.
Everyone wants to feel important and not making your significant other feel this way is a surefire way to end a relationship.
Fighting or Quarrels Did you know that fighting can be healthy in a relationship? It happens frequently when a couple has been together for quite some time.
A fight between a couple can put a new perspective on matters.
It is normal for a couple to disagree on certain things.
However, it is the fights that are too extreme to being healthy that lead to many couples breaking up.
You should always listen to apprehensions your partner may have no matter what it is.
There is one way to avoid fights...
give in from time to time.
Lack of Togetherness Do you enjoy spending time with your partner? Do you spend quality time together or do you find yourself spending that time to yourself? It is vital for couples to keep active together.
If you find the relationship is boring, then you may want to get creative with your partner.
Try to spend some time together doing something that both of you enjoy and be spontaneous from time to time.
These five relationship blunders are the surefire issues that caused a relationship break up.
However, by recognizing those signs, you can be assured you are taking the steps necessary to avoid making these mistakes.
Remember to be honest, be caring and first of all, have decency for yourself and your spouse.

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