UFOs - Are They Real?
For many years now we have been talking about UFOs, and they have been in the media quite a lot most recently.
I myself have witnessed something unexplainable whilst on holiday in Norfolk, but that's a story for another time.
Thousands of people all over the world report UFO sightings on a daily occurrence, this has led to many investigations with inconclusive evidence.
More popular investigations such as the Roswell Incident, and Rendlesham forest have attracted many followers who still to this day believe something happened The universe is such a vast place filled with billions if not trillions of stars, are we supposed to think we are the only planet with life? We are finding new planets all the time.
The NASA Keplar mission which was sent up on the 7th March 2009 has so far found 2,326 New Planets and around 207 are earth size.
The fascinating thing about it all is possibly one day in our life time we will find a planet just perfect for life, this could shatter the way we look at life and how we come about.
I personally think it would give us all peace and understanding of everything and we would grow from this new knowledge.
More money would be spent on space projects and possible bases on the moon and Mars.
In terms of finding little green men out there is that possible? most Scientists would say very unlikely because of the laws of physics and distances between planets and galaxies.
If we think outside the box for a moment, if we're a civilisation still mastering space flight then isn't it possible for advanced beings to have mastered this already? They could be thousands if not millions of years advanced than us.
It's food for thought definitely but still no proof to back it up.
I think the first signs of life if any would come from a planet, possibly like Mars which would be in the form of microbial life.
The Mars curiosity Rover has been sent to the red planet just for that reason to find out whether life once existed there.
If ever there was news to come back to earth that microbial life was ever found there it would change the way we think in a big way and make the uniqueness of earth feel just that slightly less unique.
So to summarise weather UFOs exist or not, I would have to say it is very possible but don't think they will be landing anytime soon.
The only thing that will be landing on earth would be one of NASA's space craft with hopefully microbial life captured and stored away for better testing.
I myself have witnessed something unexplainable whilst on holiday in Norfolk, but that's a story for another time.
Thousands of people all over the world report UFO sightings on a daily occurrence, this has led to many investigations with inconclusive evidence.
More popular investigations such as the Roswell Incident, and Rendlesham forest have attracted many followers who still to this day believe something happened The universe is such a vast place filled with billions if not trillions of stars, are we supposed to think we are the only planet with life? We are finding new planets all the time.
The NASA Keplar mission which was sent up on the 7th March 2009 has so far found 2,326 New Planets and around 207 are earth size.
The fascinating thing about it all is possibly one day in our life time we will find a planet just perfect for life, this could shatter the way we look at life and how we come about.
I personally think it would give us all peace and understanding of everything and we would grow from this new knowledge.
More money would be spent on space projects and possible bases on the moon and Mars.
In terms of finding little green men out there is that possible? most Scientists would say very unlikely because of the laws of physics and distances between planets and galaxies.
If we think outside the box for a moment, if we're a civilisation still mastering space flight then isn't it possible for advanced beings to have mastered this already? They could be thousands if not millions of years advanced than us.
It's food for thought definitely but still no proof to back it up.
I think the first signs of life if any would come from a planet, possibly like Mars which would be in the form of microbial life.
The Mars curiosity Rover has been sent to the red planet just for that reason to find out whether life once existed there.
If ever there was news to come back to earth that microbial life was ever found there it would change the way we think in a big way and make the uniqueness of earth feel just that slightly less unique.
So to summarise weather UFOs exist or not, I would have to say it is very possible but don't think they will be landing anytime soon.
The only thing that will be landing on earth would be one of NASA's space craft with hopefully microbial life captured and stored away for better testing.