Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How to Benefit From the Global Economic Crisis

You may have heard a story of a mother who lifted a back end of a car that has threatened the life of her child.
She would have never even dreamed about attempting to do such a thing under the ordinary circumstances.
Or, you may have read a story of incredible courage of a man who pulled a person out of certain death from an oncoming train, or of a man who dove into the icy waters to save a life of a child he didn't even know.
None of those people would have acted the way they did if the extraordinary circumstances did not bring about the opportunity to do so.
When the circumstances arose - they brought out of the people courage, daring, strength, resolve, or whatever else was needed to meet the challenge.
The same is true for all of us: the extraordinary circumstances bring about the extraordinary responses.
We all have an enormous inner potential for performing outstanding things, only that potential in most cases remains just that: a potential.
To bring that potential into the visibility takes special circumstances.
Therefore, instead of regarding extraordinary circumstances as threatening - we need to perceive them as a prerequisite for extraordinary actions! In that change of perception is the key for dealing with the difficult situations.
Take the current economic crisis that has swept this country and the world: one cannot escape being bombarded with the information indicating the seriousness and the magnitude of the problem.
It would be easy to sink under the weight of such an avalanche of negative information, especially if your own financial situation is problematic.
If you give in to the suggestions of doom and gloom, you can very easily fall into the abyss of financial trouble to which all the negative thinking is leading.
  But if (instead of giving in to these dire predictions) you perceive the circumstances as a condition necessary to elicit an extraordinary response, you will benefit from them.
  Atoms of carbon that form graphite, one of the softest minerals, can be rearranged under extremely high pressure to produce a diamond - the hardest and the most valuable among the minerals.
The same can happen to you: An enormous pressure of global and personal economic crisis can force your various abilities to rearrange themselves into a highly valued and much sought-after diamond of valuable assets.
Then you can spend the rest of your life enjoying polishing its various facets until they shine in their full glory.
An enormous pressure may not be a bad thing, after all.

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