Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Are You Ready For Marriage Help Groups?

For couples who have marital problems, the usual solution seems to be to go to a marriage counsellor or to try to solve the problems by themselves.
While either option can work for some couples, they may not necessarily be what works best for you.
One option you can consider is joining marriage help groups.
What are the benefits of attending marriage help groups? For one thing, if you and your partner are conscious of the costs of counselling and therapy, joining these groups is actually cheaper than having two-on-one sessions with a counsellor or therapist.
Also in this setting, you and your spouse don't get the feeling that you are cut off from the rest of the world entirely.
Sometimes, it can help to know that the two of you are not the only ones having marital problems.
The other participants may also be able to offer you support and guidance on what best to do in your particular circumstance.
Each person there can provide a different insight into your situation which can then help you to understand your situation better.
Like with a marriage counsellor, they can provide a somewhat objective viewpoint of your marriage and give you feedback about your strengths and weaknesses as well as what you can change to help improve your marriage.
Another advantage of working in a group is being able to learn from each other's stories.
As one couple's problem is discussed, you can learn to apply it to your situation or in future circumstances that may arise in your marriage.
Conversely, when it is you and your spouse's turn to share, other couples may be able to learn something from the two of you.
If attending group sessions is not feasible for either of you but you like the benefits that it can provide, you can try searching the internet.
There are lots of online marriage help groups and forums you can turn to for additional advice.
Online groups have the added benefit of anonymity which makes it easier to share the more personal details of your marriage.
One of the downsides of marriage help groups is that they can end up being too time consuming since in addition to your problems, you have to listen to the issues of other couples, as well as perform group exercises with them.
Also, there may be some issue regarding how much they can help you, considering that there is less attention on you and your concerns, and the solution presented may not work for you given all of the circumstances that contribute to your situation.
Another issue that may arise is if you feel that what you are going through is too personal.
In this case, marriage help groups may not be effective for you since this will require you to share as much as possible in order for others to help you.
The important thing when it comes to deciding if you will attend marriage help groups, is if both of you will be comfortable in this set-up because in the end, it will be the two of you who will make your marriage work.

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