Health & Medical Body building

Weight Lifting Techniques to Go From Super Scrawny to Big and Brawny

Are you looking for weight lifting techniques so you can supercharge your results? If so, you're in luck as I'll go over some of my favorite ways to build muscle.
First, there is so much information out there on how to work out that it can lead to information overload which leads to inaction.
When it comes to weight lifting techniques, it's critical you find something that's proven to work.
It's also important that it's efficient.
Who wants to spend hours a day in the gym? I certainly didn't when I set out to transform my skinny body into a much more muscular and toned physique.
I was able to pack on over 40 pounds over a period of months that my friends thought I was cheating or on steroids! First things first.
Before we discuss weight lifting techniques, it's important to make sure the other areas of your life are in place.
Just like a stool can only stand with all of its legs, in order for you to build muscle, you need to make sure all your bases are covered.
Weight lifting techniques are just one aspect.
First, you have to make sure you have the proper mindset, nutrition, and rest.
You have to have the right attitude that you can succeed and the right motivation to stick with your plan.
Also, make sure you are eating a lot of food.
To build muscle, you have to gain weight first.
Also, food is critical for energy and for muscle building.
In addition, make sure you are getting plenty of rest.
Sleep 8 hours a night if you can.
Rest properly as muscles are build when you are outside the gym.
Once you have those factors in place, you can figure out which weight lifting techniques are appropriate.
To build muscle, you should focus on heavier weights for less reps.
For example, if you want to do the bench press, which is a great exercise, you should set the weight so you can do 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
Favor free weights over machines as these exercises will work multiple muscle groups and speed up results.
I remember the first time I worked out I was doing it all wrong.
I worked so hard but did not work smart.
Once I figured out the simple weight lifting techniques that helped me go from scrawny to brawny, I was blown away and couldn't have been happier with my results.

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