What Is the Colorado Law on Guardianships?
- One area in which appointment of guardians takes place involves cases of incapacitated adults. For consideration as a guardian, you must first submit a petition to the court to establish why a need exists for guardianship.
- Colorado law allows the following relationships between a guardian and those under guardianship: the caregiver can receive monies for use in meeting the needs of the ward, can establish a home residence, authorize medical and dental treatment and make decisions to protect the well being of the child or incapacitated adult.
- Grandparents or other relatives of a child can avail themselves to help from a mandated kinship assistance program. To receive this aid, however, the relatives must attain guardianship, show commitment to stabilizing life for the child and prove they acted as foster parents or primary caregivers prior to guardianship.
- Guardians cannot transfer or move a ward out of state without court permission attained through a petition process. Not only must a petition be submitted to move the ward, another is required in the relocation state, seeking guardianship approval from courts there.