Health & Medical Medicine

Adult ADD and ADHD Are Mental Health Conditions That Are Not "Grown Out Of"

Not all that long ago children that were called hyperactive were thought to "outgrow" their condition with the right amount of discipline and the elimination of sugar in their diets.
Medical professionals have only in recent years determined that adult ADD and ADHD (attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) are very real mental health issues and have their origins in childhood.
The majority of professionals use the ADHD terminology as it best explains the condition.
It is estimated that up to five percent of children in school have ADHD.
More than half of these will continue to experience symptoms of the condition into their adulthood.
Hyper active and extremely impulsive actions and lack of concentration are hallmarks of ADHD.
In the United States, somewhere in the neighborhood of eight million adults have been diagnosed While everyone knows someone who has hyperactive traits, such as being constantly on the run and never seeming to be able to sit down, the disorder is far more than this.
A whole host of behavioral problems can affect and adult's daily life and ability to maintain jobs and relationships.
The problem is particularly acute when it comes to the workplace as the hyper behavior tends to add to the inability to prioritize and move tasks forward to completion.
A short list of issues that make living with adult ADD and ADHD a major problem include: · Inability to remain focused on tasks · Erratic changes in mood often coupled with depression.
· Temper and Anger management difficulties.
· Disorder and chronic time management issues.
· Expressions of boredom and lack of interest in most areas.
Even though the condition has its start in the early childhood years, a fair percentage of adult sufferers are unaware of the condition or the fact that they have it.
The reality is that adults with ADHD necessarily had it as children.
Depression often accompanies the disorder and it may in fact be tied to the adult's problems with daily living tasks.
Getting a proper and thorough diagnosis is the first step in tackling this disorder's daily effects.
There are a number of medications that have been found to aid those with adult ADD and ADHD.
Because of the nature of the disorder, many are in the anti-depression and anti-anxiety spectrum.
There are a number of side effects that need to be understood prior to starting these medicines.
Those who favor more natural remedies may want to look into changing their diets, practicing yoga or investigating herbs and fatty acids like Omega-3 oils.

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