If You Want Him Back, Can You Get Him?
Breaking up with someone you love is one of the worst things you can experience in life.
Everything that seemed certain, good and true is gone.
Now you're left with pain, resentment and self-recrimination.
You're still in love and you want him back, but right now that probably feels like an impossible goal.
Well, there's a way to look at it, which might make it feel a little less daunting.
If you're serious about trying again, you need to know if your feelings are reciprocated.
If he really thinks you're history there's nothing you can do about it.
Just think carefully and read the signs.
There's a very popular theory these days that you can apply a kind of Emotional Scale to everyone around you, to measure the level of his or her feelings towards you.
There's a kind of inert indifference in the middle, while to one extreme there is intense anger and at the other there is profound love.
You need to find out where you register.
The key is in understanding how he behaves towards you after the break-up.
Those few weeks after the split are a very fertile time for gathering this kind of information.
At first, there may be silence between you and if that becomes the norm then you may have to accept that what you had is dead.
Indifference has replaced love.
But if he starts to communicate, respond to your calls, seek you out then you're on his mind and quite possibly in his heart.
That means you matter and on his emotional scale, you're scoring highly enough to let yourself believe that there's another chance.
Everything that seemed certain, good and true is gone.
Now you're left with pain, resentment and self-recrimination.
You're still in love and you want him back, but right now that probably feels like an impossible goal.
Well, there's a way to look at it, which might make it feel a little less daunting.
If you're serious about trying again, you need to know if your feelings are reciprocated.
If he really thinks you're history there's nothing you can do about it.
Just think carefully and read the signs.
There's a very popular theory these days that you can apply a kind of Emotional Scale to everyone around you, to measure the level of his or her feelings towards you.
There's a kind of inert indifference in the middle, while to one extreme there is intense anger and at the other there is profound love.
You need to find out where you register.
The key is in understanding how he behaves towards you after the break-up.
Those few weeks after the split are a very fertile time for gathering this kind of information.
At first, there may be silence between you and if that becomes the norm then you may have to accept that what you had is dead.
Indifference has replaced love.
But if he starts to communicate, respond to your calls, seek you out then you're on his mind and quite possibly in his heart.
That means you matter and on his emotional scale, you're scoring highly enough to let yourself believe that there's another chance.