How to Grow Drosera Capensis
- 1). Prepare a growing medium containing equal parts of sand and peat moss. Drosera capensis derives most of its nutrition from insects and prefers poor soil.
- 2). Place a medium planting pot that is at least 4 inches deep on top of a saucer. Fill the planter with the growing medium. Put the planter in a southern or eastern window if you grow it indoors. Drosera capensis grows best in full sun when it is outdoors.
- 3). Add enough distilled water to the planter to make the soil evenly moist. Sow the Drosera capensis seeds directly onto the soil, without covering the seeds. Cover the planter with clear plastic wrap to retain moisture. Water the Drosera capensis plant by keeping the saucer filled with distilled water.
- 4). Poke holes in the plastic wrap with a toothpick once the Drosera capensis seedling grows leaves. This allows the plant to acclimate to the environment. Remove the plastic wrap before the seedling reaches the wrap.
- 5). Mist the plant leaves with distilled water to keep the leaves moist. Dilute an acidic fertilizer for carnivorous plants to 1/4 its normal strength with distilled water. Apply a round of this solution once per month.
- 6). Dilute a pesticide to half strength and apply this solution to the leaves if your Drosera capensis plant becomes infested with aphids. Remove larger insects by hand.